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Top : Forum Archives: : General-Lab-Techniques
1021. Why high voltage is used in capillary electrophoresis? - (reply: 1)
1022. Primer dilution and calculation - (reply: 4)
1023. ELISA and Falcon tubes - (reply: 3)
1024. The purpose of sonication in this experiment? - experiment on coating silver particles on slides (reply: 2)
1025. making Ficoll gel loading buffer - (reply: 1)
1026. Nalgene Filterware use - (reply: 4)
1027. RNA isolation from frozen blood - RNA isolation (reply: 3)
1028. Enzymes - (reply: 1)
1029. TritionX-100 dilution - (reply: 4)
1030. Help! my "plasmid" won't cut. - RE digestion problem (reply: 7)
1031. PRIMER 3 PROGRAMME - (reply: 8)
1032. calculate ssDNA - (reply: 1)
1033. Why NaCl is in so many buffers? - (reply: 3)
1034. UV transilluminator. Why 254 and 365 nm? - (reply: 1)
1035. storage of media with antibiotics at 4C.... - (reply: 7)
1036. stain genomic and plasmid DNA - FACS analysis (reply: 1)
1037. Shadow in agarose gel - (reply: 8)
1038. HELP! X-Ray film processing problems..... - (reply: 2)
1039. native gel? - want protocol (reply: 7)
1040. Storing Collagen coated plates - (reply: 2)
1041. Can one homogenize without rupture? - (reply: 2)
1042. phosphate buffer.. - na/k/na-k? differences? choice? better? (reply: 2)
1043. buffer and molarity.. choice? - pH 7.0 (reply: 3)
1044. PH Calibration - Usage of Std Buffers (reply: 1)
1045. To prepare fresh or not for sucrose gradient - Could it be stored longer? (reply: 5)
1046. Why freeze slowly and thaw quickly? - (reply: 5)
1047. long term strage of c DNA clones - strage of c DNA (reply: 3)
1048. sterilization of buffer - (reply: 4)
1049. What pressure to used for a HPLC process? - (reply: 3)
1050. calculation problem - (reply: 3)