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1651. Why PCA is used to deproteinize the plasma sample? - (reply: 1)
1652. probes for southern blot - molecular genetics (reply: 2)
1653. Spectrophotomery of cell 550 vs. 600 - spectrophotometry for cells (reply: 2)
1654. Crystallization or NMR - which is better for protein structure - (reply: 3)
1655. Problems with Southern hybridization and restriction digest of genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
1656. HELP! I have a PCR amplifing problem - PCR amplifing problem (reply: 4)
1657. Is EDTA a protease inhibitor - a potentially stupid question (reply: 2)
1658. Preparing 90% DMSO - potentially stupid question (reply: 2)
1659. Transformation help - (reply: 3)
1660. Transformation efficiency - How to calculate!? (reply: 6)
1661. Antibody left overnight at room temperature - still usable? - (reply: 5)
1662. denaturing gel - (reply: 4)
1663. How to transform a 2.1kb fragment - (reply: 4)
1664. high feidelity taq - (reply: 5)
1665. DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
1666. mass unit - (reply: 3)
1667. preparation of BSA 100 x - (reply: 12)
1668. preparation of bicine buffer? - (reply: 1)
1669. Helpful Lab Technique Suggestions - (reply: 1)
1670. HPLC - ?? (reply: 2)
1671. Water or TE buffer for dissolving DNA - (reply: 5)
1672. Help for PCR - PCR problem (reply: 2)
1673. Multiplex PCR - (reply: 4)
1674. Ficoll-hypaque gradient Isolation - General Lab Techniques (reply: 2)
1675. Homozygous transgenic rats - (reply: 2)
1676. Development textbook or reference source - Need a good recommendation (reply: 1)
1677. problem with digestion and ligation of BgI II and kpnI RE - (reply: 1)
1678. Determination of amide - (reply: 1)
1679. Combine fluorescense microscopy with HE-staining? - (reply: 2)
1680. serum starving cells - (reply: 1)