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1861. why use 2X versus 4X sample buffer? - (reply: 6)
1862. How to do half-log dilutions? - (reply: 4)
1863. CMV promotor upregulation? - (reply: 3)
1864. How to separate living U937 from dead ones? - (reply: 5)
1865. pH meter - (reply: 1)
1866. ethidium bromide - handling with ethidium bromide (reply: 12)
1867. SmaI at 37degree - I cut DNA by SmaI at 37degree by mistake. (reply: 1)
1868. 50mM HEPES-KOH buffer pH7.4 formulation please - (reply: 1)
1869. Ethidium Bromide vs Sybr Green stain (normal PCR) - (reply: 5)
1870. Salting Out DNA extraction protocol (blood) - I can't find any for low volumes in eppendorfs (reply: 2)
1871. How many amplifications can you get with PCR? - (reply: 4)
1872. Quantify protein expression - (reply: 1)
1873. peptone estimation - (reply: 1)
1874. Lysis Buffer Preparation - (reply: 3)
1875. Can't get PVP into solution - (reply: 1)
1876. Sterilization of microfuge tubes - (reply: 9)
1877. MMP activity in zymography - proteinase activity in SDS (reply: 3)
1878. Phenol Chlorform Extractions - (reply: 2)
1879. separation of pcr products of similar sizes in agarose gel - (reply: 1)
1880. FUNCTION OF BUFFER - (reply: 3)
1881. disinfection - options for disinfecting laminar flow (reply: 6)
1882. Polyakrilamide - (reply: 5)
1883. Sample preparation for SDS-PAGE - (reply: 1)
1884. oligo concentration calculation - (reply: 5)
1885. Ethidium Bromide - (reply: 6)
1886. Cryostat Worries - I am trying to get good cryosections but am failing badly... (reply: 3)
1887. Urea-PAGE for transcription assays - Diffusion of low molecular weight bands (reply: 2)
1888. difference between distilled water and deionized water - (reply: 36)
1889. 8-MOP solution - (reply: 2)
1890. RNA storage - share your experience how you store RNA - (reply: 20)