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1471. hepes solution storage - (reply: 4)
1472. different wavelengths! - spectrophotometry (reply: 17)
1473. correlating fluorimetry and spectrometry for DNA quantitation - (reply: 3)
1474. Genomic DNA purification protocol - (reply: 6)
1475. Problems with protein extraction with Trizol - (reply: 1)
1476. Measuring receptor expression by FACS - interference with trypsin exposure? (reply: 2)
1477. How to get rid of radioactive probe from nylon membrane? - (reply: 7)
1478. fetal mistake in my hot start PCR - (reply: 3)
1479. Agarose gel electrophoresis - for separating bacteria cells?! (reply: 5)
1480. calculating DNA concentration - (reply: 2)
1481. length of reporter gene - (reply: 6)
1482. Iso-propanal precipitation - (reply: 9)
1483. Preparing potassium phosphate buffer(pH 7.4) - (reply: 11)
1484. no reference in the westerns blot (like actin) - are these results publishable? (reply: 7)
1485. Recipe for Native PAGE? - (reply: 8)
1486. how to deal with the precipitation of calciumnitrate and dipotassiumhydrogenphos - (reply: 1)
1487. pH and volume - (reply: 1)
1488. (Alcian Blue) Staining Solution Preparation - (reply: 1)
1489. mops buffer - (reply: 2)
1490. assay buffers - (reply: 1)
1491. 10mM tris from 1M tris - (reply: 5)
1492. precipitate coming out of media! - (reply: 12)
1493. Strong distortion in bands of dna gel electrophoresis - (reply: 6)
1494. how to store this enzyme - catechol 2,3 dioxygynase enz (reply: 2)
1495. RNA half life - (reply: 16)
1496. GuHCL - How do you measure? (reply: 1)
1497. house keeping gene - (reply: 3)
1498. 0.9%NaCl - (reply: 1)
1499. Adjust pH - please help (reply: 5)
1500. sucrose stock solution - sterilize? (reply: 9)