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Plasmid Related Discussions
  1. Plasmid pCP20 problem - (reply: 1)
  2. plasmid - (reply: 2)
  3. DNA purification - Touble with isolating PCGP plasmid (reply: 3)
  4. contransfection why choose beta galactocidase? - why not an antibiotic resistant plasmid (reply: 5)
  5. why use beta galactocidase as a positive control in co-transfection - why not an antibiotic resistant plasmid (reply: 13)
  6. Does plasmid DNA mutate over time? - (reply: 2)
  7. Plasmid DNA storage - (reply: 1)
  8. co-transfgection - antibiotic plasmid instead of B galactocidase (reply: 2)
  9. Got problem with maxiprep - (reply: 3)
  10. plasmid isolation problem HELP! - (reply: 2)
  11. Miniprep mistake! can it be saved? - (reply: 5)
  12. plasmid preparation - (reply: 10)
  13. Plasmid DNA concentration - (reply: 2)
  14. Plasmid isolation from bioluminescence bacteria - Alkaline lysis (reply: 5)
  15. A problem with plasmid DNA extraction - (reply: 6)
  16. searching for a piece of plasmid information - (reply: 1)
  17. transformation after miniprep - (reply: 7)
  18. Easiest cloning strategy for deleting part of plasmid using adapters? - (reply: 1)
  19. Problem with genomic DNA contamination in Minipreps - Qiagen QuickLyse Miniprep Kit (reply: 2)
  20. Plasmid Isolation - (reply: 1)
  21. plasmid isolation and gel - (reply: 1)
  22. protocol to regenerate Qiaprep spin miniprep columns - (reply: 1)
  23. Cloning of plasmid - (reply: 3)
  24. No DNA in 1 of 6 plasmid preps (Qiagen - Midi) - (reply: 2)
  25. Two CMVmin in same plasmid? - (reply: 2)
  26. Who has a good protocol to cut a plasmid? - (reply: 1)
  27. Is there any way to remove chromosomal DNA from plasmid DNA? - (reply: 6)
  28. how to get rid of a plasmid? - (reply: 7)
  29. Erroneous PCR product due to plasmid DNA contamination - (reply: 2)
  30. Medical significance of plasmids - (reply: 3)
  31. Problem of Plasmid Preparation - (reply: 7)
  32. Attaching DNA bases - Creating primers and plasmids? (reply: 3)
  33. How to conduct DNA cloning if plasmid's restriciton site is un-unique - (reply: 5)
  34. how many plasmids can a competent bacteria take - (reply: 9)
  35. Maxiprep troubleshooting - There are 3 bands in CsCl gradient after ultracentrifuge (reply: 2)
  36. Maxiprep problem - Add ethanol before isopropanol (reply: 1)
  37. Agrobacterium miniprep problem - (reply: 4)
  38. methylation of plasmids - (reply: 1)
  39. plasmid digestion gel - (reply: 4)
  40. Rearrangement in plasmid? - (reply: 2)
  41. restriction digestion of plasmid - (reply: 8)
  42. methylated plasmids in culture - (reply: 1)
  43. Plasmid transfection - should amount be adjusted according to insert size? - (reply: 4)
  44. plasmid miniprep - (reply: 1)
  45. plasmid transfection - (reply: 1)
  46. Plasmid Prep Problem : gDNA - bacterial genomic DNA contamination in a plasmid minipreparation (reply: 3)
  47. how to check the insertion of a gene fragment into plasmid - (reply: 2)
  48. frustrating maxiprep problem - (reply: 4)
  49. Problems during plasmid prep in cloning - (reply: 7)
  50. high 260/280 ratio after maxiprep - (reply: 2)
  51. How to find plasmid containing 35S and Nos ? - (reply: 3)
  52. Improving transformation efficiency - large plasmids (reply: 6)
  53. Plasmid lost during culture - (reply: 19)
  54. Maxiprep problems - (reply: 4)
  55. Help restriction analysis of plasmid - (reply: 11)
  56. High Yielding Plasmid Purification (suggestions) - (reply: 1)
  57. Can I store plasmid in 4C refrigerator? - (reply: 11)
  58. BL21 Plasmid extraction? - (reply: 4)
  59. plasmid copy number - experiments on how to compare the copy numbers of different copy-numbe (reply: 3)
  60. Problems subcloning with the pL452 recombineering plasmid - (reply: 2)
  61. low concentartion of DNA after miniprep - (reply: 6)
  62. difference between subculture in incubator and shaker - on preparation of cultures for plasmid dna extraction, is there a diff (reply: 3)
  63. Screening Tranformation Colonies: Funny Gel Pic and no plasmid?!?! - (reply: 10)
  64. How to get an individual plasmid out of a plasmid mix in E.coli - (reply: 6)
  65. How to confirm whether the cell line was successfully transfected with two plasm - Co-transfection of two plasmids to 293 cells (reply: 6)
  66. High concentration of antibiotics in amplification of plasmids - concerns about mutation of inserts in plasmid (reply: 1)
  67. Plasmid DNA preparation - two DNA bands in gel (reply: 5)
  68. Databases of commercially available plasmids - (reply: 2)
  69. cloning into plasmid (IMPACT kit from NEB) - (reply: 3)
  70. help with luciefarse reporter assay,:( - p53 reporter vector versus expression plasmid (reply: 1)
  71. how to extract plasmids leaving bacteria cells intact - (reply: 7)
  72. Plasmid Shelf Life? - (reply: 1)
  73. How to test if a cDNA clone from a plasmid is infectious? - (reply: 4)
  74. plasmid prep - help (reply: 8)
  75. In vitro Transcription - Do I need to linearize my plasmid ? (reply: 1)
  76. multiple plasmids in cells - (reply: 1)
  77. plasmid transfection in hepatocytes - (reply: 1)
  78. miniprep problem - (reply: 11)
  79. Gel purification of large plasmids for PCR or sequencing, HELP! - (reply: 3)
  80. Miniprep DNA digestion smear - (reply: 15)
  81. Why there is a artifical intron in some plasmids? - (reply: 4)
  82. Sequencing:why do pcr AND cloning into plasmid? - (reply: 6)
  83. Fate of plasmid - How to detect plasmid DNA on host chromosome (reply: 7)
  84. Miniprep DNA - (reply: 2)
  85. How to search plasmid sequence for restriction sites and resistance genes? - (reply: 4)
  86. Plasmid with two different origins? - (reply: 1)
  87. Vector concentration following maxiprep - (reply: 4)
  88. How to get rid the restriction sites in a plasmid ? - (reply: 5)
  89. PCR product of unlinearized plasmid - (reply: 1)
  90. MoBio Plasmid Purification and Gel Extraction Kits - Problems with MoBio Kits (reply: 3)
  91. Can I store bacteria cells at +4C before plasmid isolation? - (reply: 3)
  92. Multiple recombinant plasmids in transformed E Coli? - (reply: 2)
  93. Plasmid transformation - (reply: 4)
  94. Mini plasmid Kit extraction - (reply: 4)
  95. Maxiprep Corex Tube Replacement - (reply: 8)
  96. Miniprep for pGEM vectors - please help - Technical help (reply: 7)
  97. Uncomplete plasmid after transformation - (reply: 1)
  98. Help with Maxiprep plasmid low ratio - (reply: 2)
  99. Annealing plasmid DNA - (reply: 3)
  100. Plasmid vs Lentivirus as a transfection vector - Opinions? (reply: 4)
  101. Fast way to get plasmid for PCR - (reply: 2)
  102. how to know the plasmid or phage inside the cell? - (reply: 3)
  103. Midiprep comparisons.. - Invitrogen vs. Qiagen (reply: 3)
  104. Help. Trying to sequence my plasmids, but the primers refuse to prime! - (reply: 1)
  105. Plasmid coli glycerol stocks @ -20 - will they still be useable? (reply: 4)
  106. Maxi plasmid preparation - (reply: 3)
  107. Question about maxi plasmid preparation - (reply: 1)
  108. Ligation, plasmid rescue problem! - PLasmid transformation after ligation problem (reply: 7)
  109. does low plasmid concentration affect transfection rate? - (reply: 4)
  110. Plasmid DNA extraction problem - (reply: 3)
  111. genomic DNA contamination during plasmid preparation - (reply: 1)
  112. Help: How to isolate plasmid from agrobaterium for restriction enzyme digestion - (reply: 10)
  113. plasmid concentration and freezing - (reply: 4)
  114. Can i introduce strand DNA(not ligate with the plasmid) into E. coli? - (reply: 2)
  115. MiniPrep - (reply: 3)
  116. large plasmid extraction? - how? (reply: 5)
  117. no plasmid extracted - low copy number - (reply: 2)
  118. plasmid subcloning - (reply: 1)
  119. no plasmid after extraction - (reply: 2)
  120. how can I concentrate my plasmid DNA? - (reply: 3)
  121. need help to solve problems with plasmid isolation - molecular biology (reply: 6)
  122. Miniprep plasmid DNA - How clean is it? - (reply: 3)
  123. P/C/I extraction of plasmid after digestion - (reply: 1)
  124. PLasmid extraction: good nanodrop reading but NOTHING on the gel! - (reply: 4)
  125. differential binding of dye to supercoiled and relaxed plasmid DNA - which dye and how? (reply: 5)
  126. 2 week old maxiprep DNA smearing - (reply: 4)
  127. smear when cutting plasmids previously checked - (reply: 4)
  128. co-transfection of plasmids - ratio - shRNA plamid with plasmid expres'ng target (reply: 8)
  129. recombinant plasmids lossing - get HELP! (reply: 5)
  130. Maxiprep - (reply: 9)
  131. Stability of plasmids in recA1 strains - (reply: 4)
  132. Plasmid problems - low yeild plasmid DNA (reply: 3)
  133. shotgun cloning: gel shows inserts but only plasmid sequence obtained - (reply: 1)
  134. Plasmid replication in mammalian cell systems - (reply: 3)
  135. +and - in plasmid names - (reply: 2)
  136. Checking Insert using PCR from plasmid DNA? - (reply: 4)
  137. transfect from full plasmid and transfect from PCR product - (reply: 5)
  138. X-ray scanning of DNA plasmids - (reply: 1)
  139. Linear plasmid for transfection - where should I cut the plasmid? (reply: 3)
  140. plasmid DNA maxi prep - (reply: 1)
  141. Getting smear problems in plasmid run - (reply: 8)
  142. Elute DNA from Watmann paper - I received a plasmid in the mail and cant get transfectants (reply: 2)
  143. co transfection plasmid and siRNA - message from gmgabriel68 (reply: 1)
  144. identifying genomic DNA contamination during plasmid isolation - (reply: 2)
  145. plasmid degradation in tris EDTA - (reply: 10)
  146. Question about QuikChange II mutagensis method - Can it merge plasmids? (reply: 3)
  147. Transformation problem with newly ligated plasmids - (reply: 1)
  148. Low transfection efficiency using PEI - I'm trying to transfect BHK-21, with a large size plasmid (13kb), (reply: 9)
  149. MaxiPrep low plazmid concentration - (reply: 6)
  150. qPCR and plasmid positive controls - Why use plasmid positive controls? Are they the best? If so, are there (reply: 1)
  151. Recombinant plasmid lost afer transformation - (reply: 3)
  152. Lost in plasmid preperation - (reply: 4)
  153. Low yield plasmid extraction - (reply: 6)
  154. Plasmid Cleanup - Advice on how to further clean up plasmid created by alkaline lysis an (reply: 4)
  155. Separate cutting plasmid from uncut? - (reply: 4)
  156. plasmid DNA purification - which kit should I buy? (reply: 7)
  157. plasmid prep with protein? contamination - (reply: 3)
  158. how to store plasmid samples? - (reply: 3)
  159. Plasmid extraction from filter paper - (reply: 3)
  160. plasmid prep question - thick white material? (reply: 11)
  161. plasmid - (reply: 4)
  162. Need PLen Plasmid map for stable line set up - (reply: 4)
  163. Plasmid Ligation does not work-suggestions? - (reply: 6)
  164. Problem about plasmid constrution - (reply: 2)
  165. pET28b digestion problem - pET28b plasmid with CASC2a sequence (reply: 2)
  166. Preference in isolation of plasmid DNA methods? - (reply: 5)
  167. low plasmid yield - (reply: 8)
  168. Detection of 10 plasmid copies - detection limit (reply: 5)
  169. purposes of uncut plasmid DNA - (reply: 4)
  170. Protein expression from bacteria which has two plasmids? - Incompatibility of plasmids (reply: 5)
  171. Getting Vaccinia topoisomerase I to nick and covalently bind plasmid DNA - (reply: 2)
  172. how to extract plasmid spotted on paper? - (reply: 7)
  173. Miniprep from BL21(DE3) - (reply: 5)
  174. adapter liagation into a single cut plasmid? - (reply: 4)
  175. Restriction digested plasmid - (reply: 2)
  176. cloning of a big Plasmid - (reply: 3)
  177. constrcut a GFP plasmid that work in Drosophila s2 cells - (reply: 1)
  178. E.coli Compotent Cell Storage and Plasmid Isolation - (reply: 3)
  179. Gel purification of plasmid after each of these steps? - (reply: 1)
  180. Plasmid pSPL3 - Looking for plasmid pSPL3 (reply: 2)
  181. why my plasmid became shorter? - (reply: 5)
  182. plasmid DNA not digested - (reply: 3)
  183. plasmid problem - (reply: 3)
  184. How to mix your plasmid? - (reply: 7)
  185. one plasmid into each E.coli? - (reply: 13)
  186. plasmid profile - difficulties with marker and size of plasmids.. (reply: 4)
  187. Ligation of purified PCR product to Topo plasmid (with T7 promoter) and Transfor - (reply: 2)
  188. why my plasmid is degraded? - (reply: 4)
  189. Mutation in plasmid - (reply: 2)
  190. plasmid extrction problem! or more! - (reply: 4)
  191. HELP! About plasmid transfection in 96 well plate - (reply: 3)
  192. Is this genomic DNA? - or plasmid? (reply: 11)
  193. Cloning/Miniprep Blues - High molecular weight bands iand no plasmid n my miniprep (reply: 3)
  194. unable to digest my recombinant plasmid! - (reply: 9)
  195. Can bacteria grow without a plasmid or am i stupid? - or did ampicillin wear out? (reply: 5)
  196. E. coli transformation issues - old plasmids (reply: 7)
  197. Large Scale Extraction of Bacteria Plasmid DNA - (reply: 1)
  198. problem with transformed plasmid's size - (reply: 10)
  199. Inability to grow plasmid in culture - Molecular cloning (reply: 3)
  200. Low or high copy plasmid ? - (reply: 2)
  201. plasmid DNA Digestion - (reply: 5)
  202. plasmid purification - (reply: 3)
  203. Midiprep - (reply: 9)
  204. Purification of 13 kb plasmid from E. coli - (reply: 4)
  205. TE diluted plasmids and transfection - (reply: 2)
  206. HELP! how to retrieve plasmid from glycerol? - (reply: 2)
  207. What type of PCR to identify a plasmid insert? - (reply: 4)
  208. Protocol for amplification of gene in plasmid directly from transformed e. coli? - (reply: 2)
  209. competent cells transform 12 kb plasmid,urgent - (reply: 8)
  210. Mammalian protein expresion in bacteria - Which plasmid and strain to use (reply: 7)
  211. Altering Maxiprep procedure to prepicpitate with ethanol instead of isoproponal - (reply: 6)
  212. How can I calculate the copy number of plasmid DNA after mini-prep? - (reply: 5)
  213. Problem: Plasmid DNA extraction from S. aureus - (reply: 6)
  214. Stable transfection using plasmid with no selection gene - (reply: 2)
  215. plasmid cloning in E.coli - (reply: 2)
  216. what is the plasmid nomenclature: eg.what does it mean by pUC, pCR, and other ve - (reply: 13)
  217. Making miniprep solutions for spin columns - Now that we can reuse the columns... (reply: 21)
  218. plasmid map drawing - (reply: 2)
  219. Sequencing a 10kb length of dna in a 12kb plasmid - (reply: 3)
  220. Endogenous/Native Plasmid Isolation - (reply: 1)
  221. E. coli plasmid info - (reply: 1)
  222. Plasmid Curing - (reply: 1)
  223. Plasmid Curing - (reply: 7)
  224. Retroviral vector and recombination - Are Retroviral vector plasmids susceptible to recombination?why? (reply: 1)
  225. How to add a lethal gene to my plasmid for cloning selection? - (reply: 3)
  226. How to save my plasmid - I run out of my plasmid and my EColi doesn't grow (reply: 3)
  227. Problems w/ yield from lentiviral plasmid prep - (reply: 3)
  228. question:problem during the plasmid isolation - (reply: 7)
  229. Decreasing plasmid size via (digestion-gel extraction-ligation-transformation) - (reply: 8)
  230. F1 origin is it mandatory for a plasmid - (reply: 3)
  231. How to improve 260/280 reading for DNA? - 260/280 for purified digested plasmid is very high. (reply: 2)
  232. Elementary Question - How do I send plasmid DNA?? (reply: 11)
  233. Plasmid purification - Purification using Qiagen kit (reply: 2)
  234. Plasmid stability over a 100%? - Why does ampicillin increase cell viability? (reply: 4)
  235. HELP! GFP plasmids - GFP plasmids (reply: 4)
  236. Cosmid and plasmid at the same time - (reply: 1)
  237. Transformation-Min plasmid reqd - (reply: 3)
  238. E.coli culture and miniprep help - (reply: 1)
  239. PLASMID DNA yield - (reply: 3)
  240. plasmid glycerol stock - (reply: 2)
  241. plasmid isolation help urgent.. - (reply: 4)
  242. How much plasmid for transformation? - (reply: 5)
  243. Plasmid DNA Sequencing with Universal Primers - (reply: 3)
  244. question about plasmid transfection - (water solution or buffer solution?) (reply: 3)
  245. plasmid molar concetration/copy number - (reply: 2)
  246. When double-transfecting, do both plasmids always go together? - (reply: 4)
  247. How many plasmid DNA copies per cell? - (reply: 1)
  248. Need help getting rid of plasmid in E.coli (Rosetta) - (reply: 4)
  249. plasmid copy number - how one can determine plasmid copy number in E.coli (reply: 2)
  250. ligation and miniprep - (reply: 6)
  251. Plasmid Extraction - Miniprep incident (reply: 3)
  252. plasmid bands - (reply: 1)
  253. De novo plasmid methylation in eukaryotic cells - (reply: 3)
  254. Reconstitution of plasmid - (reply: 1)
  255. what is the mechanism of transformation of a plasmid into a bacterial cell? - (reply: 5)
  256. maxiprep troubleshoot - (reply: 15)
  257. making insert from miniprep DNA - (reply: 11)
  258. how to purify plasmid and genomic dna - (reply: 3)
  259. Trying to lyse cells to get PCR template - Need something simpler than a miniprep (reply: 10)
  260. Will self-ligated plasmid run faster than the unligated one? - (reply: 9)
  261. DNA degradation after plasmid mini preps - (reply: 6)
  262. Problem transfecting large plasmid into HEK293 cells - (reply: 8)
  263. Free Plasmid Miniprep Kit - Beta Test (a 42 Dollar value) - (reply: 7)
  264. C group Plasmids? - (reply: 2)
  265. Help! my "plasmid" won't cut. - RE digestion problem (reply: 7)
  266. 2 plasmid electroporation. Tips? Advice? - (reply: 5)
  267. stain genomic and plasmid DNA - FACS analysis (reply: 1)
  268. linear or supercoiled plasmid for creating stable cell line - (reply: 1)
  269. plasmid stability - (reply: 4)
  270. RNA transfection VS Plasmid DNA transfection - (reply: 3)
  271. Has anyone else encounted problems in cloning with PET-22b vector? - the plasmid even smaller than the empty PET-22b vector! (reply: 1)
  272. the plasmid even smaller than the empty PET-22b vector! - the plasmid even smaller than the empty PET-22b vector! (reply: 1)
  273. 2 plasmids in one competent cell - is this possible? - Cloning query (reply: 9)
  274. smear in miniprep DNA - (reply: 4)
  275. A plasmid mobility question. - (reply: 3)
  276. Genomic DNA PCR vs plasmid DNA PCR - (reply: 6)
  277. Interaction of Glucose with plasmid DNA - (reply: 3)
  278. Stable cell trasfection questions... - Integration of plasmid... (reply: 5)
  279. Plasmid for qPCR standard curve - (reply: 3)
  280. Plasmid as a PCR template - (reply: 2)
  281. Difference between Extraction of DNA from chromosomal DNA and plasmid DNA - (reply: 1)
  282. Is my plasmid contaminated by RNA? - (reply: 13)
  283. pCMVneo - need a description, company or plasmid map (reply: 2)
  284. Miniprep for sequencing - (reply: 10)
  285. economical miniprep kit - Which one? (reply: 16)
  286. Uncut plasmid DNA - (reply: 6)
  287. Plasmid DNA Isolation problems, contaminating chromosoma DNA - How to isolate large inserts by miniprep and without chromosomal smearing (reply: 4)
  288. Isolation of plasmid DNA - alkaline lysis method (reply: 3)
  289. Isolation of plasmid DNA - chemicals used-why?? (reply: 5)
  290. genomic DNA contamination in plasmid DNA prep - (reply: 1)
  291. plasmids to quantify copies of virus - (reply: 4)
  292. How do you work out a restriction digestion map for a circular DNA plasmid? - (reply: 2)
  293. different primer efficiency using cDNA and plasmid/PCR product - (reply: 4)
  294. Plasmid DNA quality for transfection - Is CsCl prep ever required? (reply: 3)
  295. Plasmid CpG methylation after transfection - (reply: 2)
  296. plasmid purification from mammalian cells? - (reply: 1)
  297. plasmid purification from mammalian cells? - (reply: 4)
  298. SDS page and gene cloning - pBS plasmid (reply: 1)
  299. will linearizing plasmid prolong transient transfection ? - (reply: 1)
  300. Problems with plasmid transfection into primary keratinocytes - (reply: 3)
  301. Somebody just sent me a plasmid.... - plasmid recovery (reply: 6)
  302. AscI digestion of plasmid - Problem with AscI digestion of plasmid DNA (reply: 6)
  303. Plasmid stability/Cloning problem - (reply: 3)
  304. reconstituted plasmid DNA solution slightly milky - (reply: 3)
  305. Problems using gentamicin plasmids - (reply: 6)
  306. Too stupid to do a MidiPrep? - -how come it is not working- (reply: 8)
  307. Tips for sequencing miniprep DNA - (reply: 4)
  308. Multiple transformation - How many plasmids is it possible to transform at the same time ? (reply: 2)
  309. too confused about plasmid concentration? - (reply: 4)
  310. Problems with Plasmid purification - no real precipitation of genomic DNA (reply: 8)
  311. Plasmid Sequence for pACT1-GFP - (reply: 4)
  312. miniprep DNA v PCR product, for sequencing - (reply: 4)
  313. Stable transfection of large plasmid into breast cancer cells - (reply: 2)
  314. use of miniprep DNA for transfection - (reply: 4)
  315. Plasmid storage and DNA concentration - (reply: 4)
  316. Plasmid DNA problem - PEG precipitation (reply: 3)
  317. about MTS assay and plasmid transfection - (reply: 2)
  318. where can I get any plasmid with aadA as selective marker gene? - i might offer some money (reply: 1)
  319. Low yield in maxiprep - (reply: 4)
  320. How to make plasmid map? - (reply: 4)
  321. No visible pellet using alkaline lysis method for miniprep - (reply: 5)
  322. Will linearized plasmid still have drug resistance? - (reply: 13)
  323. problems with miniprep result - (reply: 1)
  324. maxiprep from a miniprep - (reply: 2)
  325. cloning experimental design to ligate three PCR products into one plasmid - (reply: 4)
  326. Transformation efficiency of plasmid dna - (reply: 2)
  327. Supercoil migrates slower than linear plasmid? - (reply: 2)
  328. Transformation of a plasmid into E.coli BL21 - problem! - Unexpected bands (reply: 7)
  329. After double digest my plasmid is 2Kbp shorter! - (reply: 3)
  330. why competent cells take up only 1 type of plasmids? - (reply: 7)
  331. about mutant plasmid construction - (reply: 3)
  332. How to get suicide plasmid? - (reply: 1)
  333. miniprep: no precipitate after PEG treatment. - (reply: 4)
  334. Regeneration of plasmid preparation columns - Has anyone a protocol? (reply: 1)
  335. two plasmids of the same protein with tags on N and C-terminus. - how can I make use of them? (reply: 3)
  336. Block-it Plasmid Ligation - (reply: 8)
  337. shRNA Plasmid propagation in Xl1 Blue - (reply: 1)
  338. E-coli is eating up my plasmid! - (reply: 9)
  339. Cosmid miniprep - (reply: 2)
  340. any good method for rapid screening for recombinant plasmids? - (reply: 5)
  341. E-coli strain and plasmid incompatibility...? - is there something like that? (reply: 14)
  342. Can all bacterial plasmids work in plants too? - (reply: 6)
  343. Mutagenesis Help (plasmid isolation & sequencing stages) - (reply: 2)
  344. plasmid construction - (reply: 1)
  345. Amplify retroviral vectors doesn't work from miniprep to midiprep - (reply: 6)
  346. Asking help for purifying plasmids - (reply: 9)
  347. Asking help for purifying plasmids - (reply: 3)
  348. Added E coli to plasmid by mistake - How to get plasmid back? (reply: 7)
  349. PCR shows insert, but digestion of plasmid failed to cut out insert - (reply: 2)
  350. A new plasmid appears on my gel in addition to my construct when I increase the - (reply: 4)
  351. plasmid isolation from a transient transfection - (reply: 2)
  352. plasmid DNA running on agarose gel to the opposite direction - (reply: 7)
  353. Linealizated plasmid for stable transfection? - is that right? (reply: 1)
  354. Subcloning problem with XhoI digested fragment - weird pattern of migration/digestion after miniprep (reply: 6)
  355. maximum plasmids can be co-transfected into Hela cells - (reply: 4)
  356. Plasmid instability - why and how do i check? (reply: 1)
  357. Plasmid cotransfection for selection - (reply: 4)
  358. troubleshooting low yield midiprep - (reply: 12)
  359. transformation of competent cells with recombinant plasmids - (reply: 2)
  360. plasmids smaller than empty vector - using expensive cells - still not working (reply: 1)
  361. Any body knows the characters of plasmid pINT007 - (reply: 4)
  362. why do supercoiled plasmid transform faster than linear plasmid - (reply: 3)
  363. Plasmid isolation - (reply: 2)
  364. help in Plasmid 'mini-prep' experiment - (reply: 5)
  365. plasmid DNA precipitation - with the use of PEG-MgCl2 (reply: 1)
  366. endotoxin free plasmid preparation - kits comparable? (reply: 2)
  367. cleaning up plasmid preps - (reply: 6)
  368. Stuborn band after digestion of plasmid DNA - (reply: 4)
  369. How to remove endotoxin? - want a endotoxin-free plasmid for transfection (reply: 5)
  370. methylated plasmid - (reply: 3)
  371. qPCR Standard control - plasmid quantify (reply: 3)
  372. plasmid DNA and restrictions enzyme - (reply: 6)
  373. Plasmid Purification - Any tricks to increase yield? What could I be doing wrong? (reply: 2)
  374. does phenol:chloroform extracted plasmid creats problem in Mammalian cell cultur - (reply: 5)
  375. TA cloning...why is there no plasmid for BLUE colonies? - (reply: 2)
  376. plasmid miniprep question - (reply: 4)
  377. Is competent cell still good in -80oC for 16 months? - got a different plasmid after plasmid prep (reply: 3)
  378. Electrophoresis of Plasmid - (reply: 3)
  379. Plasmid map of the clone with APE or DNA Strider - (reply: 2)
  380. Please, some Tips for Maxiprep - (reply: 15)
  381. help with transfection of large size plasmid - (reply: 2)
  382. plasmid size change after transformation - (reply: 1)
  383. Methods for concentrating plasmid DNA - (reply: 23)
  384. really lost in plasmid ligation - urgent! (reply: 6)
  385. how can one get rid of genomic DNA in miniprep - (reply: 5)
  386. Distinguish uncut vs. cut plasmids on agarose gel - (reply: 9)
  387. how to move for ligation with low conentration of digested plasmid - (reply: 2)
  388. plasmid in 1M tris ..URGENT - (reply: 1)
  389. do plasmids amplify more efficiently than genomic DNA? - (reply: 3)
  390. plasmid amplification - exons and primers (reply: 1)
  391. plasmid sequencing - (reply: 4)
  392. structure difference between plasmid & chromosomal DNA - (reply: 1)
  393. plasmid DNA dilution for absolute quantitation - (reply: 2)
  394. Transformation using linearized plasmid? - (reply: 6)
  395. My plasmid purity changes with different dilutions - (reply: 1)
  396. Plasmid PCR - (reply: 5)
  397. check plamid identity after miniprep - (reply: 5)
  398. Plasmid map for ptrc 99c - (reply: 1)
  399. Protocol for RNase treatment of plasmid for RNA cleanup - (reply: 4)
  400. low plasmid dna from ET host - Low plasmid Dna concentration in Ecoli ET 12567 (reply: 3)
  401. Plasmid Extraction from a big volume of pellet - Molecular biology (reply: 2)
  402. keep getting incomplete digest for plasmid - (reply: 3)
  403. Plasmid DNA purification - (reply: 3)
  404. about antibiotic in plasmid transformation - which is best? (reply: 6)
  405. Colony PCR positive, miniprep negative? - (reply: 9)
  406. Orientation dependent miniprep problem? - (reply: 1)
  407. trouble with methlase sensitve restriction digests on plasmids isolated from DAM - (reply: 2)
  408. Co-transfection for stable cell lines - mammalian - Need to know the ratio of the plasmids that need to be used (reply: 2)
  409. plasmid contamination - (reply: 2)
  410. Linear or unlinear plasmid before transfection for expression? - (reply: 2)
  411. Homology of plasmid sequence - Is Origin of relication sequence lifted from the bacterial genome? (reply: 2)
  412. direct plasmid sequencing problems - direct plasmid sequencing problem (reply: 4)
  413. how to co-transfect different plasmids? - (reply: 3)
  414. How to get a good quality of plasmid in maxi prep. - (reply: 7)
  415. To make good plasmid for expression transformation - (reply: 1)
  416. Re-innoculate overnight culture for miniprep - (reply: 4)
  417. Isolation of episomal plasmid DNA from mammalian cells - (reply: 1)
  418. plasmid contaminated with another dna - (reply: 1)
  419. plasmid sterilization - (reply: 1)
  420. How to spot plasmid on paper for shipping? - (reply: 4)
  421. Plasmid DNA purification - Lithium chlorid (reply: 1)
  422. How to elute plasmid spoted on paper - (reply: 3)
  423. Why we must use freshly prepared NaOH/SDS for miniprep - (reply: 15)
  424. About the procedure of plasmid linearization - How many positions and the proper position? (reply: 2)
  425. ligating adaptor in 26kb plasmid - (reply: 1)
  426. No plasmid in HB101 - whereas DH5alpha does (reply: 2)
  427. Plasmid purification - (reply: 5)
  428. plasmid rescue method - (reply: 3)
  429. pCMV-CD19 plasmid map - (reply: 2)
  430. Do you have any problem with QIAGEN Plasmid Maxi kit - (reply: 5)
  431. Help me--why my plasmid DNA is lost after digestion with Enzyme - (reply: 1)
  432. Where to find list of plasmid copy numbers? - I need to know approximate copy number before I choose vector (reply: 5)
  433. Plasmid Concentration Calculation - (reply: 9)
  434. How to accurately quantify plasmid DNA in solution within impurity of RNA? - (reply: 3)
  435. purification of digested plasmids - (reply: 4)
  436. pBABE plasmid - (reply: 3)
  437. weird thing in Maxiprep - (reply: 2)
  438. Need Help ASAP with maxiprep - Diluted plasmid with buffer ER instead of TE (qiagen kit) (reply: 3)
  439. isolation of DNA from a plasmid for site-directed mutagenesis? - do researchers actually do this? (reply: 6)
  440. is it my recombinant plasmid or contamination? - only two colonies on the plate.... (reply: 5)
  441. transformation of a big plasmid in E. coli - something wrong is happening in my transformation (reply: 6)
  442. plasmid map software? - (reply: 7)
  443. Miniprep problem - (reply: 9)
  444. maxiprep on SURE strain - (reply: 2)
  445. pBR322 relaxed plasmid....what type of media? - (reply: 3)
  446. Anyone has the experience to order plasmid from "Addgene"? - (reply: 2)
  447. Plasmid appears as two bands after double digestion - (reply: 2)
  448. How to insert one single nucleotide into a plasmid? - (reply: 6)
  449. Side directed mutagenesis with 17kb plasmid - (reply: 19)
  450. chloroform v. phenol/chloroform/isoamylalcohol extraction of plasmid DNA - advantages/ disadvantages of each? (reply: 4)
  451. Differenciation between plasmid, super-coiled DNA and linear DNA - What is the difference between plasmid and other DNA on the gel? (reply: 1)
  452. RNase treatment of plasmid - (reply: 7)
  453. Strange analytical gel for miniprep - (reply: 4)
  454. Do TetO seqeunces make plasmid difficult to grow? - (reply: 2)
  455. is the polylinker in pUC18 plasmid a artificially inserted fragment? - want to know whether the polylinker site is a inserted or naturally present in t (reply: 1)
  456. Miniprep plasmid shows three bands - (reply: 1)
  457. clarification - plasmid and gel - (reply: 9)
  458. explanation of miniprep of E. coli - miniprep of e.coli genomic dna? (reply: 1)
  459. Double Digestion and Single Digestion same result? - Confusion about Plasmid and Insert alignment (reply: 4)
  460. plasmids sequences - plasmids sequences (reply: 1)
  461. plasmid incompatibility in mammalian cells? - (reply: 1)
  462. Maxiprep of plasmid DNA - (reply: 1)
  463. pCG plasmid - (reply: 2)
  464. Can we purify Miniprep DNA and use for transfection? - (reply: 3)
  465. RT-PCR on plasmid - (reply: 1)
  466. Two same oris (origins of replications) in one plasmid - (reply: 1)
  467. how to isolate plasmid insert? - (reply: 1)
  468. GW1 plasmid sequence - someone know this plasmid???? (reply: 1)
  469. mysterious band after transformation and miniprep... - (reply: 11)
  470. yeast plasmid as template - (reply: 1)
  471. do you always see three bands on your miniprep? - (reply: 3)
  472. putting BAC plasmid back into E. coli - (reply: 7)
  473. Long PCR for amplification from plasmid - (reply: 5)
  474. sequencing with large plasmids - (reply: 4)
  475. Why freshly prepared alkaline solution II for plasmid extraction? - (reply: 10)
  476. How to make a point mutation in a wild type plasmid. - (reply: 2)
  477. S. aureus plasmids - S. aureus plasmids (reply: 1)
  478. Crude Plasmid Digests - Help! (reply: 8)
  479. Purify genomic from plasmid DNA - (reply: 5)
  480. how to amplify fragment from the plasmid - (reply: 3)
  481. Maxiprep Question - (reply: 16)
  482. maxiprep help - (reply: 12)
  483. How to remove small amount of plasmid from filter paper - (reply: 6)
  484. stable transfection of two plasmids? - (reply: 4)
  485. a problem of pCMV-Fluc plasmid transfection. - (reply: 1)
  486. A few questions about insertion into a plasmid - (reply: 7)
  487. Restriction enzyme SBFI failed to cut plasmid - (reply: 3)
  488. How can I change a promoter of a plasmid? - (reply: 1)
  489. Concentrating plasmid DNA - (reply: 3)
  490. promoter selection in plasmid based shRNA - (reply: 2)
  491. help:failure of extraction of plasmid DNA - (reply: 2)
  492. About RNAi based on sh-RNA plasmid - (reply: 2)
  493. SV40-less Luciferase promoter plasmid? - (reply: 2)
  494. cannot isolate plasmid from mutants - please HELP! (reply: 1)
  495. Storing low conc plasmid DNA - (reply: 3)
  496. Who knows and uses the Plasmid pGag-PolGpt? - Poor plasmid yield with Maxi-Prep.... (reply: 1)
  497. Who knows the plasmid M13? - looking for the plasmid map of the m13 plasmid (reply: 1)
  498. By using a plasmid (interested insert) as a templete for PCR - PCR (reply: 2)
  499. what's wrong? Plasmid digestion produce only smear - (reply: 6)
  500. How to amplify the insert from a plasmid? - (reply: 2)
  501. No Plasmid digestion - Enzymes don't cut my miniprep Plasmid-DNA (reply: 2)
  502. Sequencing plasmid gets overlapping peaks - troubleshoot (reply: 5)
  503. Plasmid digestion - Problem with digestion (reply: 3)
  504. plasmid transfection and virus infection simutaneously - (reply: 2)
  505. SDM large plasmid - (reply: 1)
  506. Problem amplifying 3 kp fragment from a plasmid - (reply: 4)
  507. How would one go about moving a gene from plasmid to plasmid - cloning (reply: 2)
  508. Large scale purification of large size plasmid - (reply: 1)
  509. Plasmid miniprep problem - (reply: 4)
  510. miniprep problem - (reply: 3)
  511. Help: anyone who has co-transfected TWO different plasmids - - how much of each DNA to use? (reply: 5)
  512. Plasmid template preparation for in vitro transcription - (reply: 9)
  513. Plasmid - Choosing a plasmid (reply: 2)
  514. Plasmid changes after transformation - (reply: 2)
  515. plasmid DNA isolation - drying dna samples after isop or 70% EtOH wash (reply: 4)
  516. Miniprep ! Can it bug you? - (reply: 1)
  517. digestion problem - incomplete digestion of transformed plasmid (reply: 1)
  518. Growing large plasmid (20kb) in e.coli - Low plasmid yield from large construct (reply: 7)
  519. plasmid DNA isolation - problem in plasmid DNA isolation (reply: 3)
  520. Identification of the cut and uncut plasmid on gel - (reply: 4)
  521. Dual-promoter plasmids? - Trying to transcribe sense and antisense strands.. (reply: 1)
  522. How does plasmid DNA miniprep kit get rid of chromosome DNA? - (reply: 4)
  523. Plasmid wash in E. coli? - How to promote the lost of a plasmid in coli (reply: 2)
  524. any effect if the plasmid got 3 gen resistance? - (reply: 1)
  525. Suggestion needed for miniprep - (reply: 12)
  526. Rolling circle replicating plasmid and transformation - Gene cloning (reply: 2)
  527. Construct DNA plasmid for QPCR - (reply: 4)
  528. pGBKT7 miniprep problem - (reply: 5)
  529. Plasmid preparation problem using alkaline-lysis - (reply: 5)
  530. Putting 2 plasmids in 1 e. coli cell - (reply: 4)
  531. antibiotics concentration for ligated plasmid - (reply: 3)
  532. No colonies with site-directed mutagenic plasmids - (reply: 2)
  533. pSUP5011 - what is the molecular size of the plasmid pSUP5011 (reply: 1)
  534. plasmid extraction and antibiotics matters... - (reply: 4)
  535. PCR on plasmids? - (reply: 2)
  536. Plasmid methylation problem - Plasmid methylation (reply: 3)
  537. Linearized or unlinearized plasmid for stable transfection? - (reply: 18)
  538. maxiprep - bad concentration of DNA (reply: 2)
  539. Maxiprep - Where to start from? - (reply: 2)
  540. wash off plasmid in the tube for reuse - question (reply: 1)
  541. real-time pcr plasmid standards - (reply: 4)
  542. PCR of plasmid miniprep from Agrobacterium - Can't get PCR product out of plasmid miniprep (reply: 1)
  543. Whatman Filter Paper - Elution of plasmid DNA (reply: 1)
  544. transfecting siRNA and a plasmid - (reply: 4)
  545. plasmids turnedinto smears after NcoI digestion - restriction enzyme problem (reply: 1)
  546. Plasmid sequencing - (reply: 2)
  547. plasmid sequence - (reply: 3)
  548. poor ligation of plasmid/oligo construct - (reply: 8)
  549. Stable Transfections - do you NEED to linearise the plasmid? (reply: 1)
  550. copy number of pUAST - need info to troubleshoot maxiprep yield (reply: 5)
  551. Taking OD of plasmid dsDNA in ddH20 - plasmid prep (reply: 3)
  552. plasmid stock - (reply: 6)
  553. How to dissolve over-dried DNA? - plasmid prep (reply: 6)
  554. Plasmids in eluting buffer - (reply: 1)
  555. Storing of miniprep or maxiprep plasmids - (reply: 7)
  556. Maxiprep troubles - loss of DNA at last stages of maxi prep (reply: 2)
  557. why linearize plasmids make transfection stable? - (reply: 6)
  558. problems purifying plasmid DNA after restriction digestion - (reply: 3)
  559. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of plasmid DNA - Agarose Gel Electrophortesis of plasmid DNA (reply: 1)
  560. making more plasmid - (reply: 2)
  561. How big DNA fragment can I clone to pUC19 plasmid? - (reply: 2)
  562. Unstable plasmid ?? - Deletions only after ligation ! (reply: 2)
  563. The amount of plasmid for ligation reaction - Help (reply: 2)
  564. transfection of single copy of plasmid per cell - (reply: 3)
  565. Plasmid DNA cleaning - (reply: 2)
  566. Sequencing of Plasmids - (reply: 2)
  567. Plasmid drawing tools - User friendly Plasmid drawing tools (reply: 1)
  568. Plasmid DNA contamination - the source of Chrosomal DNA contamination (reply: 2)
  569. Plasmid DNA Purification - plasmid was contaminated by Genomic DNA (reply: 1)
  570. How to prepare enough plasmid for transfection? - (reply: 3)
  571. Plasmid DNA storage - (reply: 4)
  572. purify linearized plasmid for transfection - (reply: 1)
  573. question about determinating the size of plasmids - (reply: 2)
  574. question about plasmid linearization - (reply: 2)
  575. Low copy number of plasmid - (reply: 3)
  576. plasmid restriction map- free software - (reply: 3)
  577. Bad OD ratios from Plasmid Minipreps - (reply: 2)
  578. Plasmid gene mutation - (reply: 1)
  579. sucide plasmid directed mutagenesis - sucide plasmid directed mutagenesis in pseudomonas (reply: 1)
  580. Need help in plasmid sequencing - (reply: 4)
  581. Subcloning into large plasmid - (reply: 3)
  582. plasmid digest - restriction enzyme won´t cut (reply: 1)
  583. Freezer culture fails to retain plasmid - (reply: 3)
  584. help for large-scale plasmid purification - (reply: 3)
  585. Does my bacteria have a plasmid? - (reply: 5)
  586. Subcloning into lentiviral vectors - Very little to no plasmid after miniprep (reply: 7)
  587. DNA plasmid extraction trouble - (reply: 1)
  588. Software for plasmid drawing - (reply: 1)
  589. Plasmid DNA purification - DNA purification (reply: 7)
  590. removing plasmids from yeasts - (reply: 1)
  591. PCR-Check, Screen-Check, MiniPrep - HUH?? - PCR product transformed, grown on AMP, no mini (reply: 2)
  592. transformation - Possible to get two diff. plasmids? (reply: 1)
  593. wierd plasmids: maxi-prep never work - (reply: 13)
  594. plasmid draw - Need software for Vector cloning design (reply: 4)
  595. Problem with plasmid linearization - (reply: 2)
  596. Plasmid extraction from E.coli culture - (reply: 7)
  597. plasmid went missing - what happen?? (reply: 5)
  598. Quickchange site directed mutagenesis - Success with a 13 kb plasmid? (reply: 2)
  599. Shipping of plasmids and X-rays - (reply: 1)
  600. plasmid sequence - IncQ (reply: 1)
  601. the host cell of plasmid:pBmIEGLacZ-BmIEGhyg - (reply: 1)
  602. Big Size of Plasmid Transformation - Urgent! (reply: 1)
  603. Site directed mutagenesis - Of 20 kb plasmid (reply: 1)
  604. why the clone ware so small? - plamid transformation (reply: 1)
  605. plasmid for stable transfection - (reply: 1)
  606. Plasmid problem - (reply: 2)
  607. Plasmid DNA extraction - Extracted plasmid cannot be seen in agarose gel (reply: 9)
  608. RNA  in plasmid preparation interfere in ligation - RNA contamination and ligation (reply: 3)
  609. How do I extract a HUGE plasmid? - (reply: 1)
  610. plasmid mini-prep from E.coli - smeared bands (reply: 2)
  611. plasmid can't be digested by enzyme - (reply: 13)
  612. Plasmid Extraction Kits Manufactured by? - Plasmid Extraction Kits Manufacture (reply: 1)
  613. how to identify whether the PUC18 plasmid is good or not - about the PUC18 (reply: 1)
  614. Transformation technique's and [abx] affect on plasmid yield - plasmid production and isolation (reply: 1)
  615. lactobacillus species plasmidIsolation ? - help me ! - (reply: 2)
  616. How to transform the cells witht wo different plasmids - (reply: 3)
  617. recover a plasmid about 50kb with high yield? - (reply: 1)
  618. Removal of Rna from plasmid prep - (reply: 1)
  619. Plasmid prep doesn't work! - Help needed with HB101 strain plasmid prep (reply: 3)
  620. question about plasmid digested by one-cut-site RE - (reply: 3)
  621. Yeast plasmid extraction - (reply: 5)
  622. plasmid isolation - (reply: 6)
  623. Plasmid isolation again - Isolation from multiple colony? (reply: 1)
  624. Have anyone ever used this plasmid? - (reply: 2)
  625. Re: How to transform thecells with two different plasmids with d... - (reply: 1)
  626. trouble in plasmid pcr - i cannot obtain designed band from a definied plasmid (reply: 4)
  627. how to isolate huge plasmid DNAfrom Pseudomonas putida - (reply: 2)
  628. Plasmids purification - how to remove DNA contamination (reply: 3)