plasmid problem - (Jul/15/2007 )
I have some problem with my plasmid and i run the DNA from my midiprep and my colleagues midiprep of same plasmid.
my gene is about 3362 (may be size is little bit more becasue of UTR) and plasmid is about 4707. First lane is my freinds midiprep and second two lanes are my midiprep all three lanes are different. My both midiprepes are from same media In the second land i have very faint band down the bright band it can be some contamination or not i did ot understand and if it is not contamination then why it is not present in the thirld lane another midiprep but from the same media. Midiprep done in parallel.
can all three lane can be the DNA of the same plasmid becasue all three are some how different from each other.
could I confirm something, have all three plasmid DNA samples been digested?
If the DNA samples have been digested, could you run the samples again, but this time using less DNA. Sometimes, when too much DNA is run, the bands become too thick, is starts to run funny.
I am correct to assume that all three samples different isolates of the same plasmid. Since they are different isolates, they may not be in practice be the exact same plasmid. The plasmid in lane 2 may well be slightly truncated, missing a section.
But do run a better loaded gel.
yeah all three are different isolates of the same plasmid. What do you mean by slightly missing a section. it means my plasmid part is deleted.
second i used all three plamid in my activity test and protein response to drug is ok. now i will try to digest it with the restriction enzyme.
If the DNA samples have been digested, could you run the samples again, but this time using less DNA. Sometimes, when too much DNA is run, the bands become too thick, is starts to run funny.
I am correct to assume that all three samples different isolates of the same plasmid. Since they are different isolates, they may not be in practice be the exact same plasmid. The plasmid in lane 2 may well be slightly truncated, missing a section.
But do run a better loaded gel.
That would explain, the DNA in the picture was uncut plasmid. If that is the case, the faint band might well be linearised plasmid, plasmid DNA that got broken down into a linear strand.
Yes, do conduct the digest, that will quickly tell if the general structure of the plasmid is okay