plasmid stability - (Dec/25/2006 )
hello! may I know how stable are the plasmids reconstituted in salmon sperm DNA; compared to TE buffer alone? Thanks alot guys.
Stability of a plasmid in Salmon Spern DNA? Never had a reason to try.
I have kept plasmid DNA in TE at room temperature for nearly 2yrs. And that is still fine.
My supervisor has plasmid DNA in TE over 20yrs old in minus 20 freezer. And that is still fine.
So all and all I think plasmid DNA is reasonablly stable in TE.
P.S: Just because you can doesn't mean you should. The proper way to keep plasmid DNA is in the freezer.
Thank u for replying. Yes; I do keep the plasmid stock in TE buffer. What I meant here is how stable are the diluted plasmids after a series of 10 fold dilution. The latter diluted plasmid, where the concentration of the plasmid insert is getting less, I used xenoDNA (salmon sperm) as the diluent, as suggested by a colleague. But not sure about the reason. This is for absolute quantitation std curve. One more ques. how do u guys check for plasmid stability after a long period of storage and freeze thawing? Is it solely by checking Ct values consistency?
Thanksss. God bless
Plasmid in salmon dna? never heard of that
stability.. i suppose u just transform ur plasmid and digest it.
stability, .. already replied.. stable in TE
Thanksss. God bless
TE at -20C. stable all the time... my freinds keep them at 4C for months
seems stable also