How to make plasmid map? - (Oct/11/2006 )
Is there any online program which can be used to make plasmid maps? This morning I tried using plasmapper but it doesn't have any option for cutting the vector and insert with restriction enzymes and then putting them together to make a complete plasmid map (vector+insert).
For e.g. Vector: pSP73 cut with BglII-XhoI and
Insert: Interferon-g cut with BglII-XhoI
Could you please tell me how do I make a plasmid map for the above construct? I mean using some online free software.
u may try vector NTI from invitrogen.
VEctor NTI works quite nicely. May take some time getting used to it.
Yes its free, When I do my plasmid maps I cut and paste manually the sequences in the insertion sites. I never try clonning functions in Vector NTI.
BioEdit does a nice job also.