Low yield plasmid extraction - (Aug/23/2007 )
Hi all,
I am working on pBI121. It is a low copy plasmid and my extraction is too faint. I used midiprep.
Could anyone say me how I can improve it?
I am working on pBI121. It is a low copy plasmid and my extraction is too faint. I used midiprep.
Could anyone say me how I can improve it?
just a few question:
-are you using a kit?From which source?
-in how many ml you grow the bact?
Probably the first thing is to increase the volume of the bacterial grow..so you will get more plasmid...

Hi Fulvioce
I handle 10 ml E. coli culture. In fact I can't increases my bacterial culture too much because the risk of extracted plasmid with contaminations will increase .
And I don't use any kit
Try using chloranfenicol in addition of the antibiotic of selection, it work for my low copy plasmid preps.
Increase you volume culture.
Start the incubation without chloranf, after 3 hours, add the chloranf and incubate overnight.
Hope this help
Increase you volume culture.
Start the incubation without chloranf, after 3 hours, add the chloranf and incubate overnight.
Hope this help
Agree with that..Aztecan Princess..you have always the best tricks

For low copy plasmids, we grow a starter culture (10ml) during the day and then use it to inoculate the overnight culture. Either a midi or a maxi prep kit gives a good yield.