RT-PCR on plasmid - (Oct/27/2005 )
Hello, I am wondering if we can do RT-PCR using plasmids as a template. I heard that RT-PCR is only for mRNA expressed by genes from chromosome. Is there any reason to use only mRNA from genomic genes? If we can use plasmid for RT-PCR, then what kind of purification method do we have to use?
I really need the answer!!
you can do quantitative DNA with plasmids as a template; real-time PCR is like any other PCR and just requires clean DNA
if you want to do reverse-transcription too, of course you must start with an RNA template (and I don't think it has to be specifically mRNA, but I am not positive about that one??? I think any RNA can be a template for reverse transcriptase? it is a pretty easy enzyme and it's specificity is determined by the primer used)