HELP! GFP plasmids - GFP plasmids (Mar/30/2007 )
Hi friends,
Does anyone know of any good and highly efficeint promoterless plasmids containing GFP gene that can give me very birght GFP expression when I clone my promoter into the plasmid and transfect into mammalian cells?
Thanks a lot!
I don't know promotorless plasmids, but i guess you want to use the promotorless plasmids as a negative control? Can't you do it the other way around then? Get a plasmid with promotor and GFP (that have expression in mammalian cells), and then remove the promotor from the plasmid?
Clotech has it.
Any recommendations which is good? AcGFP or EGFP?
EGFP. You can use FITC filter sets.