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pSUP5011 - what is the molecular size of the plasmid pSUP5011 (May/22/2005 )

what is the molecular size of the plasmid pSUP5011


dsmz sell this plasmid and you can find th web page of a derivate pSUP5011 : Tn5-mob page here. Try to get information from the company itself...

i can't access to this article but i suppose it contains the information. :

Simon, R., Priefer, U., and Pöhler, A., A Broad Host
Range Mobilization System for in Vivo Genetic Engineering:
Transposon Mutagenesis in Gram-Negative
Bacteria, Bio/Technology, 1983, vol. 1, pp. 784–791

or i've found this free article that shows a dna electrophoresis of the plasmid. But i don't understand why there's two bands in the figure 2 p3lane 5...
