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endotoxin free plasmid preparation - kits comparable? (Jun/26/2006 )

Hi there,

as I'm using a lot of endotoxin free plasmids for transfections, I end up doing a lot of endofree maxi preps. I want to switch to mega or even giga prep, but in the lab I have to grow the bacteria/purify the DNA, I do not have a vacuum source, (and due to biosafety regulations I cannot perform the prep in another lab) so this leaves out the Qiagen Mega/Giga preps.

Does anyone have any experience with kits from other companies (without vacuum)?


... you can try EndoTrap blue. EndoTrap is an affinity chromatographic systems based on extremely specific ligands for efficient removal of endotoxin without incubation. The protocol of EndoTrap is user friendly, yields rapid results as it is designed as a flow-through system and does not need training or special equipment.

More information you find on

Yours Sincerely,


macherey nagel preparations are very good too.
Unfortunately i got only one sample test, but it didn't need vacuum
pm olaf for mn representant.
