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How to dilute from stock to get the right conc? - (Aug/09/2008 )

Hey any help will be great.

Basically at work I need to make a 5pmol/ul conc of an reageant from a 100pmol/ul stock. How do I go about to working out how much distilled water I need to add to make the 5pmol/ul conc?

If there is some kind of formula to work out for other conc like to make 25pmol/ul conc from a 100pmol/ul stock pls let me knw makes my like soo much easier.

Thanks in advance


Try here. See the "Dilute a stock solution" section at the bottom.


QUOTE (HomeBrew @ Aug 9 2008, 06:33 PM)
Try here. See the "Dilute a stock solution" section at the bottom.


I use this all of the time in the lab.

-Reverend Doakes-

QUOTE (Reverend Doakes @ Aug 9 2008, 08:39 PM)

I use this all of the time in the lab.

As do I -- it's a very useful equality.


QUOTE (Reverend Doakes @ Aug 9 2008, 05:39 PM)
QUOTE (HomeBrew @ Aug 9 2008, 06:33 PM)
Try here. See the "Dilute a stock solution" section at the bottom.


I use this all of the time in the lab.

that's what u need wink.gif


try the same formula C1V1=C2V2

QUOTE (latkan @ Aug 10 2008, 01:10 AM)
Hey any help will be great.

Basically at work I need to make a 5pmol/ul conc of an reageant from a 100pmol/ul stock. How do I go about to working out how much distilled water I need to add to make the 5pmol/ul conc?

If there is some kind of formula to work out for other conc like to make 25pmol/ul conc from a 100pmol/ul stock pls let me knw makes my like soo much easier.

Thanks in advance


And don't forget that pmol/ul is NOT the same thing as picaMolar.

-Reverend Doakes-