How to pipet small volumes - (Jun/30/2005 )
We would like to put 100 nL of protein solution on a plate (flat, dry plate with matrix polymer coating) with a spot that cannot be wider than 1mm, and with +-10% accuracy.
Do you know what is the best technique for that? We do not have the money to buy a high-throughtput workstation robot, as they are always for reformatting, 1536-wells, etc... We don't use that. We have a MALDI-TOF and have few samples a day to analyse... I would like something that ressembles an electronic pipet.
Ideas ?
Companies ?
Thanks a lot
i use for very small volumes a 2µl pipette from Rainin.
I use a 0.1-2.5 ul pipette from Eppendorf.
I'd dilute 5x and spot 0.5 ul, which would give a much higher accuracy. I think it is impossible to spot 100 nl with a pipettor with 10% accuracy.