Is it possible to make 10M NaCl? - (Apr/12/2006 )
Is it possible to make 10M NaCl? Some of protocols requires 10M NaCl, but when one look at the proper table of solubility of NaCl in water one can see that is impossible. Is there any other idea to do it?
I would say there is a mistake : 10 M NaCl? I tried once to make a stock with 5M and aftier waiting several hours for dissolution, I finally decided to dilute a little more to 4M.
Curious, what for, 10 M NaCl?
0 °C : 356 g/l and at 100 °C : 391,2 g/i. These are the maxima! Some about 6M! The lab-protocol is wrong

What protocol is this?
For 10 M NaCl this would require 58.5 g per 100 mL of water. A saturated brine at 100 deg C will still only contain ~40 g per 100 mL so it's not possible to make 10 M NaCl. Are you sure that's right in the protocol?
I've seen lots of protocols on Google that contain the use of 10 M NaCl, but I'm as confused as you given the solubility data.
Unless it's not in water, or there's some pH adjustment...
I make 1L of 5M NaCl all the time, but it has to be right at 1L and heated slightly before it will go into solution. And it stays there, even once it cools to room temp.
Besides 4-5M NaCl, what others high concentration reagents you have made?
2M Tris, 2M Glycine
10N NaOH is pretty common.
8M urea
7M guanadine hydrochloride
off the top of my head
3M KCl is really the only other high conc. stock solution i have. everything else is the usual 1M stuff. unless you count 55.5 M H20, harharhar. using 1M is easiest to multiply/divide in my head, i guess.....
anyone else?
Instead of 10M NaCl you could try the equivalent of 5M ammonium sulfate, although depends what you are using it for