Enzyme Heat Shock - (Apr/12/2006 )
I drop my enyme tube and it was under heavy cupboard. it takes twenty minutes to take it and it was Sma1 whcih works on 25 c. Either its heat shock or not. How many minutes can it survive on room temperature.
best regards
it is probably okay. you incubate for hours at 25C, so a little time at rt should not be a problem.
i wud not worry to much, but restriction enzymes many times very sensitive to temparature fluctuations. so we wud not know wat wud have happen in that 20 minutes.
enzyme may work fine but the efficiency wud have gone down (we donot know wat extent).
being precautious, make a note of this incident and proceed with experiments. if there is some problem in any experiment where u use this enzyme then u can point the problem easily.
gud luk
best regards
See if you can cut a plasmid with the enzyme, you never know. The enzyme is indeed active for hours @ 25°C, but that's in totally different buffer conditions, you're enzyme itself is dissolved in 50% glycerol and not "1x digestion buffer"...