Stickers for labeling tubes in -80C freezer - (Jun/11/2008 )
I bought tiny round stickers to put on each lid of my 2mL cryovials. I labeled each one with the strain name and made sure that the stickers were on for good. I placed my tubes in the -80C freezer (about 100 tubes) and then a few days later, i noticed that when I went to remove some tubes, the stickers just flaked off!
I always label the body of the tube with all details. I just want to label the lid so that when I open the box I know exactly what each tube is without checking each tube - which would be silly.
I spent so much time labeling them and putting them on and they are coming off now.
The manufacturer advertized them as stickers for -80C freezer tubes.
Here's the link:;catCode=ALL
What should I do?
What stickers do you guys use that don't come off in the freezer.
I'm really bummed out about this.........I thougth that it would be easier to label stickers and then just stick them on tube lids - but I guess I'm going to have to label the lid directly.
How can i label so many lids?
How can i label so many lids?

I think you could do it in other way, making record on your computer with the detail information, and location in the box. Then you just need label the box, and mark the tube order number on the lid. Good luck.
Ask for refund.
Even on the direct label on the body, I put scotch tape over it - just in case they get wiped off.
The Brother P-Touch labels (TZ-241) work at -80 and can be autoclaved and still stick. They don't solve the problem of dots on the top of tubes, however. We use their computer driven printer to make the labels. This printer can do bar codes as well, but we don't use that feature.