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Water as an alternative for TE buffer? - (Sep/29/2005 )

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is it ok to use water in place of TE buffer?


QUOTE (MaLt @ Sep 29 2005, 05:24 PM)
is it ok to use water in place of TE buffer?

hi malt,

if you meant dissolving dna in water instead te you should storage the dna by -20°C. dna in water is not so table as in te-buffer. storage at 4°C is not recommended. i store my dna in water by -20°C and i have no problems with this method.


Bu sure, that you water is of appropriate pH. once we had milliQ water, which had pH about 5.0. And we wondered, where is our DNA?


sure i've tested miliq water an found it little sour. But pH 5!.. blink.gif
i store my DNA for month at -20° in miliq water (sterile/autoclaved) and get no problem.


MilliQ water absorbs CO2 from the air. The value of [CO2(aq)] in water at 25º C in equilibrium with air that is 350 parts per million CO2 (the current concentration of this gas in the atmosphere) is 1.146 x 10-5 moles/liter (M). The carbon dioxide dissociates partially in water to produce equal concentrations of H+ and HCO3-: pH = 5.65. (


what do you exactly mean by milliQ water?


QUOTE (mili @ Sep 30 2005, 07:56 AM)
what do you exactly mean by milliQ water?

Water, which was purifyed by milliQ system (company-MILLIPORE)


MilliQ water absorbs CO2 from the air. The value of [CO2(aq)]in water at 25º C in equilibrium with air that is 350 parts per million CO2 (the current concentration of this gas in the atmosphere) is 1.146 x 10-5 moles/liter (M). The carbon dioxide dissociates partially in water to produce equal concentrations of H+ and HCO3-: pH = 5.65. (

well that's a complete and clear information. Thanks

what do you exactly mean by milliQ water?

alternative name can be di deionized water.
It's a really pure water filtered at least twice, desalted and steril, with a resisitivity close to 18mega ohms...


why don't you want to use TE? ohmy.gif why don't you use another buffer just Tris with out the EDTA !!

much better then just water



QUOTE (Gincel @ Sep 30 2005, 07:11 PM)
why don't you want to use TE? ohmy.gif why don't you use another buffer just Tris with out the EDTA !!

much better then just water


think it depends on what you want to do with the dna..... wink.gif


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