Polyakrilamide - (Oct/20/2005 )
is it true that polyakrilamid caused cancer? I usually use latex gloves if i handling it. It is safe if i just use latex gloves? How about bis-akrilamide, it is carsinogenic too? If akrilamide become gel, it is dangerous too?
thank you
is it true that polyakrilamid caused cancer? I usually use latex gloves if i handling it. It is safe if i just use latex gloves? How about bis-akrilamide, it is carsinogenic too? If akrilamide become gel, it is dangerous too?
thank you
Yes it is listed as possible carcinogenic see here Article and If I'm right Acrylamide is also known to be neurotoxic but you would have to ingest it, it's particulary dangerous if you still use the powder (we use the Biorad solution ready to use) Remember that when polymerised the potential danger is greatly reduced, but of course you should still wear gloves !

The way I understand it is that the powder is the most dangerous as there is the possibility of inhaling it, although its not very volatile (ie. like SDS). The liquid form is still very toxic as it is unpolymerised and can penetrate the skin on contact. The polymerised form is the least toxic however, as the previous poster said, you should still wear gloves as a small percentage remains unpolymerized. The thing about acrylamide is that its a toxin that accumulates. The more often you are exposed the worse it gets..so please be careful when using it!!

We had a Prof. murdered over here by supspected acrylamide poisoning. This was back in about 1994, so information on the internet about this case is scarce, but you can read a basic overview about it here.
Acrylamide is a powerfull neurotoxic. As described above, powder is the worse and liquid "ready to be used" solutions, although a bit more expensive, are worth it.
Gloves are a must at all times...
is it true that polyakrilamid caused cancer? I usually use latex gloves if i handling it. It is safe if i just use latex gloves? How about bis-akrilamide, it is carsinogenic too? If akrilamide become gel, it is dangerous too?
thank you
I think acrylamide is actually neurotoxic. the unpolymerised monomer is dangerous. once polymerised i've heard that it is not so bad, but my boss once told me that i should try not to touch even that, as it could have some remnant monomers hanging around.