Electrode Storage solution - Protocol for preparation of Storage solution (Oct/09/2006 )
Hi Guys
If someone has protocol to prepare the electrode storage solution, plz let me inform. I have Hanna instrument.
For electrode storing solution varry according to different Instrument providing company. In the case of Mettler they recomended 3M KCl and Thermo Orion recomended .1% KCl in PH 7.0 buffer so you can check from the site of Instrument provider.
QUOTE (chemist4future @ Oct 9 2006, 04:20 AM)
Hi Guys
If someone has protocol to prepare the electrode storage solution, plz let me inform. I have Hanna instrument.

If someone has protocol to prepare the electrode storage solution, plz let me inform. I have Hanna instrument.

QUOTE (chemist4future @ Oct 9 2006, 01:20 PM)
Hi Guys
If someone has protocol to prepare the electrode storage solution, plz let me inform. I have Hanna instrument.

If someone has protocol to prepare the electrode storage solution, plz let me inform. I have Hanna instrument.

Since buffer depends on electrode type look at: http://www.hannainst.com/info/manuals.cfm#phmeters
Check this out:
but in fact it doesn't say much more that it was already said.