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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1531. PCR inconsistency - (reply: 4)
1532. help needed: PCR a gene from genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
1533. Does centrifugual speed of Rotor Gene-Q have to calibration? - (reply: 1)
1534. questions about pcr products after pooling - (reply: 3)
1535. stiching/linking/sewing pcr - (reply: 3)
1536. Human mtDNA amplification problems - (reply: 3)
1537. qRT-PCR Product Size - (reply: 5)
1538. primer dimer - proplems (reply: 1)
1539. Blasting Primers for RT-PCR - what's hypothetical proteins? My primers always match to these!! (reply: 2)
1540. DATA ANALYSIS for qPCR - Calculating 2^(-Del Del Ct). (reply: 2)
1541. 18s control in qPCR - (reply: 2)
1542. weird PCR ask for help - (reply: 12)
1543. Absolute quantification and normalization - Are reference genes necessary? (reply: 1)
1544. What's the best electronic pipette (Precision) - (reply: 5)
1545. No PCR product at all - (reply: 8)
1546. PCR troubleshoooooting - primer dimer (reply: 1)
1547. Primer efficiency test - (reply: 1)
1548. primer software - (reply: 2)
1549. Question on wired PCR - (reply: 1)
1550. Validation of housekeeping gene expression - (reply: 3)
1551. restriction digestion of PCR product - (reply: 7)
1552. reuse pipette tips - (reply: 2)
1553. Primer design and Blast program at NCBI - comparison Primer3 and Primer Blast (reply: 1)
1554. How to know in which exon a primer match? - (reply: 1)
1555. dUTPs in qRTPCR rxn - (reply: 1)
1556. Amplification of human genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
1557. Relative qPCR dCt analysis - Different ways to analyze data? (reply: 1)
1558. trouble amplifying 2.5kb product from genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
1559. make your own gotaq - (reply: 2)
1560. How to choose the parameters (Tm, cycli) for RT-PCR - (reply: 1)