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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
61. Strange Taqman probe negative fluorescence - (reply: 2)
62. qPCR std curve calculation issue if using PCR product as the std - (reply: 1)
63. qPCR , eDNA and standard curve - (reply: 3)
64. Thermal Cycler for Multiplex PCR - (reply: 3)
65. Problem of melt curve shape for pikoreal real time PCR - (reply: 1)
66. Primer sequences with M and Y - how to order? - (reply: 2)
67. QPCR with genomic DNA from blood - (reply: 2)
68. RT-PCR low efficiency - (reply: 1)
69. emulsion PCR - (reply: 1)
70. qPCR data analysis - (reply: 2)
71. Addition of DNase after RNA extraction - (reply: 4)
72. RT-PCR electrophorasis - (reply: 1)
73. PCR contamination - (reply: 6)
74. RNA agarose gel blurry fuzzy. RNase contaminaton? - (reply: 2)
75. cDNA serial dilution trouble in qPCR: help needed - (reply: 2)
76. High background fluorescence detected before starting PCR - (reply: 3)
77. Real-time pcr - (reply: 1)
78. Using qPCR machine for simple PCR, is it possible? - (reply: 3)
79. What could be the possible reasons for a RT-PCR experiment that was working fine - (reply: 4)
80. Combining standard error of normalised fold change values - Qbase method - (reply: 2)
81. What cycle is best for analysing data? - (reply: 2)
82. Mineral oil quality in PCR tubes - (reply: 5)
83. Internal control for absolute quantification - (reply: 3)
84. Diagnostic PCR troubleshooting - (reply: 2)
85. QPCR replicates issue - (reply: 1)
86. RT-PCR Kit's Validation - (reply: 1)
87. Rt pcr - (reply: 4)
88. Viral Quantification - (reply: 1)
89. Inhibition of PCR amplification of bacterial genomic DNA by RNA - (reply: 1)
90. Housekeeping genes - Cq values - (reply: 4)