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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
361. PCR gene specific amplification problem - (reply: 3)
362. Failure SYBRGREEN PCR - (reply: 4)
363. Pfaffl Method for relative - (reply: 4)
364. ***In Silico PCR producing output for incorrect sequence*** - (reply: 2)
365. experiences with NuPCR from Illumina? - (reply: 1)
366. Chicken (Gallus gallus) ITS-2 primers - (reply: 1)
367. What do the values for ANY , SELF repersent when designing a primer in primer 3 - (reply: 1)
368. 100 ng RNA for cDNA synthesis - (reply: 4)
369. Inexplicable qPCR failure in single wells - (reply: 12)
370. negative control well 300 bp band - (reply: 3)
371. Reference gene for normalisation - for different growth rates - (reply: 3)
372. Strange amplification plots with high Ct variability - (reply: 1)
373. How big a role does mixing play in PCR - (reply: 1)
374. Melting curve is irregular for primer optimization - (reply: 5)
375. Designing primers for ABO blood groups - (reply: 1)
376. Methylight Results Analysis - (reply: 1)
377. GAPDH Ct value - (reply: 4)
378. dissociation curves - (reply: 1)
379. RT-PCR primer design - (reply: 7)
380. How to amplify very short PCR template - (reply: 4)
381. Correcting for efficiencies and differences among replicate Ct values - (reply: 2)
382. Is this primer okay? - (reply: 4)
383. Dilution calculation - (reply: 3)
384. Common causes for low RNA A260/230 ratios - (reply: 7)
385. Limit of detection for salmon gDNA? - (reply: 7)
386. Intensifying signal from positive control - (reply: 5)
387. How to avoid nonspecific amplification (band) in PCR - (reply: 5)
388. analysing qpcr data and plotting standard curve - (reply: 1)
389. Is "mini-mixing" acceptable/standard practice? - (reply: 4)
390. PCR product as standard curve template - (reply: 6)