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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
91. typical mRNA test with huge fold change? Any suggestions - (reply: 1)
92. PCR Amplification Issues and Primer dimer - (reply: 4)
93. Two consecutive ATG - (reply: 2)
94. How to make PCR analysis using the 22DDCT Method - (reply: 1)
95. qPCR data analysis from raw data - (reply: 1)
96. cDNA degradation within a week at -20? - (reply: 2)
97. Primer calculation for qPCR - final reaction - (reply: 1)
98. Sec. structure in primers - (reply: 1)
99. Differences in shape of melt curve - (reply: 4)
100. Amount of RNA for cDNA - (reply: 4)
101. Difference in melting temperature - (reply: 5)
102. Changing PCR recipe halfway - (reply: 1)
103. PCR master mix containing primers and Taq - (reply: 4)
104. Primer working with some cDNA samples and not other - (reply: 2)
105. no bands after pcr!!!! - (reply: 4)
106. Help with definitons for qPCR - (reply: 1)
107. Calibrator in qPCR - (reply: 7)
108. Experimental design for RT-PCR - (reply: 8)
109. Primer dilution - (reply: 9)
110. Calculation help - (reply: 6)
111. standards for qPCR and some other doubts - (reply: 9)
112. Plasma cortisol/corticosterone level analysis using qPCR - (reply: 1)
113. Technical Replicates vs Biological Replicates - (reply: 1)
114. pcr - (reply: 1)
115. Difference in synthesis - (reply: 1)
116. Standardizing cDNA concentration before doing PCR - (reply: 4)
117. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
118. Volume of Primers - (reply: 4)
119. qPCR with different genes - (reply: 5)
120. PCR conditions unknown? - (reply: 10)