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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1111. PCR, using gel extracted band as a template - (reply: 4)
1112. Question of nucleic acid extraction - (reply: 1)
1113. Multiplex problems - (reply: 6)
1114. Primer3 and Blast - how can I search for primers against a local database. (reply: 3)
1115. Q-PCR and RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
1116. inter-run calibration - (reply: 4)
1117. Delta Delta Ct method for multiple reference genes? - (reply: 1)
1118. FAM and VIC labelling - (reply: 2)
1119. Lost cause?? - I made a silly (reply: 4)
1120. how to use delta-delta Ct method? - when no expression in healthy controls! (reply: 2)
1121. confusing PCR - (reply: 1)
1122. difference between PCR primers and sequencing primers - (reply: 1)
1123. How do I PCR a DNA fragment with >200 CGG repeats? - (reply: 2)
1124. making gel electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
1125. housekeeping genes in PCR - (reply: 1)
1126. Question about RealTime PCR Primer Design - (reply: 1)
1127. Primers stopped working!? - PCR Primers (reply: 6)
1128. NFK beta primers - (reply: 4)
1129. final PCR product - need clarifications (reply: 1)
1130. Trying to amplify the 3' end of Prolyl endopeptidse gene from cDNA.. need su - Hi, I'm trying to sequence a gene from the cDNA of an insect (reply: 2)
1131. Can I use Hot Start Taq polimerase for any target? - (reply: 6)
1132. Ct value and interpretation - (reply: 3)
1133. 16S rDNA - Bacteria identification (reply: 1)
1134. Is DNase necessary for primers designed on the exon-exon boundary?? - (reply: 2)
1135. Unable to get proper PCR amplification - PCR does not correlate protein expression (reply: 3)
1136. gene expressional analysis - (reply: 1)
1137. mirna overexpression/ library versus single construct/ unspecific pcr - unspecific band when pcr on gDNA from library but not on gDNA fron sin (reply: 2)
1138. Troubleshooting help: Why do my amplification curves look like this? - (reply: 8)
1139. why genomic can't be use for pcr? - (reply: 2)
1140. Re-use unamplified PCR product - (reply: 2)