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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1861. qRT-PCR with DMSO - (reply: 2)
1862. Gene-specific RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
1863. Gain! - (reply: 4)
1864. selection of internal control gene - (reply: 2)
1865. 2-ΔΔCT interpretation of gene copy number - What does a 2-ΔΔCT value of 1.84 or 0.7 mean? (reply: 3)
1866. primer design - primer design question (reply: 2)
1867. Protocol for 16S rDNA real time PCR - (reply: 2)
1868. qPCR - Standard curves (reply: 3)
1869. cDNA spectrophotometric quantification - (reply: 8)
1870. Standard curve standardization - variation between runs (reply: 4)
1871. How to recognize primer-dimers? - from a melting curve??... (reply: 4)
1872. real time PCR primer designing problems,again - is NCBI's primer blast believable enough? (reply: 3)
1873. real time curve shifted by ~10 cycles - higher Cts than I used to (reply: 2)
1874. low gc primers - help with pcr using low gc primers (reply: 6)
1875. Exon-Exon Junction ? - (reply: 3)
1876. Normalization for RNA or cDNA during two step RT-PCR? - (reply: 17)
1877. Primers and annealing temperature - (reply: 2)
1878. Bacteria gene expression - (reply: 2)
1879. Copy number calculations in real time PCR - (reply: 2)
1880. 4 degree hold in PCR machine - Does this hurt the machine? (reply: 3)
1881. Direct RT-PCR from Frozen Cells? - Ever try this? (reply: 1)
1882. RT-PCR Negative controls - (reply: 1)
1883. Problems with qRT-PCR - (reply: 3)
1884. PCR with 60 bp primers - results in no product (reply: 6)
1885. Shrimp nuclease to eliminate genomic DNA - (reply: 7)
1886. How do you manually determine Ct value? - (reply: 1)
1887. Running gel after RT-PCR - (reply: 5)
1888. What quantitation method you prefer to use in relative qPCR? - Standard curve, Pfaffl, deltadelta CT? (reply: 3)
1889. Etbr staining methods - (reply: 6)
1890. PCR problems.. - problems with conventional PCR (reply: 3)