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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
271. Why when disigning primers for RTPCR, you need to chose a region where introns a - (reply: 1)
272. Problem with Real-time PCR results analysis - (reply: 1)
273. Rotor-Gene 6000 data analysis - (reply: 1)
274. PCR from protozoa DNA - (reply: 3)
275. Ligation-mediated PCR: Vent Polymerase, Why? - (reply: 7)
276. tool for comparing many primers pairs - (reply: 4)
277. PCR that leads to protein synthesis - (reply: 18)
278. Real-time PCR does not work, while the conventional PCR (with same conditions an - (reply: 3)
279. Use of DMSO in General PCR - (reply: 1)
280. PCR product size confusion - (reply: 3)
281. Concentration specification in PCR - (reply: 3)
282. help us understand the run - (reply: 1)
283. Different MOI in comparison experiment - (reply: 3)
284. How to determine the size of gene to amplify? - (reply: 1)
285. Guanidine isothiocyanate in PCR - (reply: 1)
286. Untreated samples negative, how to analyze fold change? - (reply: 1)
287. Primers have worked well but now getting primer dimers? - (reply: 2)
288. I cannot design primers on exon-exon junction - (reply: 2)
289. DNA Quantification of PCR Products - (reply: 2)
290. In 2^ minus ddCt method, why is the "minus" sign? - (reply: 1)
291. Problem for PCR - (reply: 9)
292. Confused about my CT values - (reply: 1)
293. Designing primers in UTRs - (reply: 1)
294. Multiplex PCR - (reply: 1)
295. primer design@ buy? - (reply: 2)
296. High Ct/Cq values in my NO-RT and NTC samples - (reply: 3)
297. Dissolving DNA Oligos - (reply: 2)
298. Trouble with overlap extension pcr - (reply: 3)
299. copies per ul to copies per gram tissue - (reply: 2)
300. designing primers( selecting target sequence/amplicon design) - (reply: 3)