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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1561. isolation of RNA from insect cells - to isolate RNA from insect larvae and synthesize cDNA (reply: 2)
1562. primer RE over-hang nucleotides - common sequences? (reply: 5)
1563. Forward and reverse primers got very different Tm - what to do? (reply: 11)
1564. Does RT step smplify RNA - (reply: 2)
1565. Q-PCR: Strange Amplification Curve shape (non exponential) - (reply: 3)
1566. ROX utilization - (who uses ROX?) (reply: 1)
1567. qPCR analysis - (reply: 6)
1568. good housekeeping for ovary - (reply: 2)
1569. Can I use genomic DNA to make a standard curve for qPCR - (reply: 5)
1570. Finding cDNA for making a standard curve for real-time RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
1571. primer design problem - (reply: 1)
1572. The perfect RT??? which control? - (reply: 4)
1573. Rotor Gene 3000 and Rotor Gene Q - (reply: 1)
1574. qPCR - qPCR problems.. (reply: 5)
1575. is it necessary to do DNases treatment? - (reply: 2)
1576. problem with site directed mutagenesis - (reply: 4)
1577. allele specific pcr - determining genotypes (reply: 2)
1578. Low 260/230 ratio in my RNA - (reply: 3)
1579. Problems with GOI Ct's - How to do PCR efficiency test if there is no Ct in GOI? (reply: 7)
1580. Problem with primer efficiency analysis - (reply: 4)
1581. calibrator - what is this in qPCR (reply: 1)
1582. slan real time PCR system for validation of microarray results? - (reply: 1)
1583. PCR unusualband at ~230bps - PCR (reply: 1)
1584. DMSO or BSA for PCR - (reply: 6)
1585. primer design - (reply: 1)
1586. Settings op a RT-PCR, What is my next step - I`ve got RNA --> cDNA and working primers, what now? (reply: 1)
1587. Help me answer this curious student - Many questions on techniques (reply: 1)
1588. Tris Buffer for PCR reaction - why? (reply: 1)
1589. qPCR determination of phage numbers - slope difference for different phage clones (reply: 2)
1590. PCR a plasmid protein - (reply: 2)