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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1351. Checking genomic contamination - different ways (reply: 4)
1352. Probe or Primer info for bovine AQP-1 - (reply: 6)
1353. PCR with Platinum Taq - product yield issues - (reply: 3)
1354. real time PCR - (reply: 7)
1355. very high and inconsistent Cts for the house keeping gene - (reply: 4)
1356. Standard curves, are they necessary every time we run an experiment? - (reply: 6)
1357. Sample handling for RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
1358. beginners guide to qPCR for differences in gene expression - Help (reply: 4)
1359. Normalising RNA concentrations - Help (reply: 4)
1360. How do you estimate PCR product size ? - How do you estimate PCR product size ? (reply: 3)
1361. PCR: cDNA works on 18S, but not Gap or designed primers - (reply: 2)
1362. Real Time PCR Normalization - What if I have no choice for housekeeping genes to normalize RT PCR (reply: 3)
1363. Having abnormal dissociation curve when performing qPCR - (reply: 3)
1364. Differences between primers for real-time PCR and RT-PCR - (reply: 6)
1365. Please help me if you could - (reply: 5)
1366. Tm caculation for different PCRs?? - new, confused, and frustrated beginner (reply: 3)
1367. absolute quantification - (reply: 4)
1368. The Case of a Missing Band: PCR Issue - (reply: 4)
1369. Log 10 fold serial dilutions - (reply: 2)
1370. paranormal qpcr amplification activity - melting curves (reply: 3)
1371. Can a primer bind to DNA in a 5'-3 parallel fashion? - Just wondering... (reply: 1)
1372. PCR template concentration - (reply: 6)
1373. PCR efficiency calculated by Linreg - (reply: 3)
1374. Primer for Unkown Protein PCR - How to design primer for unknown protein (reply: 2)
1375. Stability of genomic DNA in 1x PBS - (reply: 2)
1376. primer design by generunner DG - (reply: 1)
1377. Calculation of Tm of amplicon when using SYBR Green - (reply: 3)
1378. degenerate pcr - (reply: 1)
1379. DNA degradation - (reply: 1)
1380. DNase 1 treratment of RNA - (reply: 11)