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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1321. pcr product - hello all (reply: 1)
1322. how to save sybr green reagents? - (reply: 3)
1323. amplification of GroEL from Wolbachia! - amplification of GroEL from Wolbachia! (reply: 2)
1324. Forgot to stop reverse transcription reaction - (reply: 4)
1325. PCR with long and complex primers - (reply: 2)
1326. Phospholylation of primers - (reply: 1)
1327. Re-using PCR plates? - (reply: 2)
1328. Touchdown PCR issues - (reply: 3)
1329. QPCR/DDCT Method/ Statistics - (reply: 2)
1330. LINE1 OFR2 Primer Design - (reply: 1)
1331. rna isolation manually - (reply: 2)
1332. phosphorylation of primers using PNK - (reply: 1)
1333. RT-PCR contamination issue - (reply: 3)
1334. What's the longest overhanging primer seq. you have used? - (reply: 2)
1335. Primer Concentration to lower Ct - (reply: 1)
1336. Primer Concentration Help - (reply: 4)
1337. Can normal sequencing services sequence >1kb product? - sequencing (reply: 1)
1338. who got a manual of ABI7500 PCR instrument ? - how to operate this instument ? (reply: 4)
1339. Primer Degradation - What exactly happens? (reply: 1)
1340. Smearing on ategarose gel of real time pcr product??? - (reply: 1)
1341. PCR/DNA Extraction Problem - (reply: 5)
1342. Primers in 2 exons - (reply: 2)
1343. NTC appear in real time pcr - (reply: 6)
1344. RNA solutions - Calculating concentrations (reply: 9)
1345. PCR of AT-rich DNA - (reply: 1)
1346. NTP mix (with dUTP instead of dTTP) in sybr green mix - (reply: 1)
1347. TBE Buffer? - (reply: 4)
1348. Overlapping PCR - really need help ! - (reply: 5)
1349. gel documentation sysytem - (reply: 7)
1350. internal standard - (reply: 5)