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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1471. 260/230 ratio: how low is good for running PCRs? - (reply: 2)
1472. introducing alanine mutations - (reply: 1)
1473. Hematin - calculation (reply: 1)
1474. How to generate sticky ends? - (reply: 3)
1475. How to Normalize of RT-qPCR with several reference genes ? - (reply: 2)
1476. PROBLEM WITH MELTING CURVES - i realy need help (reply: 2)
1477. Relative RT-PCR, multiplate and calibration - (reply: 4)
1478. Trying to measure small levels of mRNA - (reply: 3)
1479. Don't understand why we need RT-PCR? - Slight Confusion guys, please clear me up (reply: 6)
1480. Equalizing RNA samples for Reverse Transcription - Should I do this before or after DNA digestion (reply: 2)
1481. Relative RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
1482. Relative real time RT PCR - (reply: 2)
1483. DTT - WHY DTT IS USED IN RT- PCR (reply: 1)
1484. 40 pcr cycles and Ct-values of 36-40 - trust or not? - (reply: 1)
1485. IQ5 and sybr/FAM - (reply: 3)
1486. a simple primer problem - (reply: 5)
1487. Failure to introduce mutations using Overlap PCR - (reply: 3)
1488. no or poor amplification - (reply: 1)
1489. Primers from 3'UTR - (reply: 2)
1490. Strange RT-PCR Graph - Is this inhibition of PCR? (reply: 1)
1491. Designing primers with ESTs - (reply: 2)
1492. Ct variation/Ct limit/rē values/efficiency errors - (reply: 2)
1493. Probe manufacturers, who makes best probes? - Where do you get your probes and are you happy with them? (reply: 3)
1494. Real Time vs Traditional PCR results - (reply: 1)
1495. The problems to identify mouse genotype with PCR - (reply: 1)
1496. non specific amplification - DNA amplification by PCR (reply: 1)
1497. RNA Extraction - Extraction of Yeast RNA from mice blood (reply: 1)
1498. Large Difference between Ct of 18s rRNA and Target Gene - (reply: 4)
1499. PCR has stopped working - (reply: 7)
1500. PCR negative control contamination - (reply: 8)