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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1591. multiplex PCR - (reply: 4)
1592. Realtime PCR machine - (reply: 2)
1593. PCR set-up calculation nightmares. - (reply: 3)
1594. Primer desing - (reply: 2)
1595. minimum amount of cDNA? - molecular biology (reply: 6)
1596. Absolute quantification - (reply: 1)
1597. Fast and Furious: Multiplex PCR - Need expert's opinion and help---perhaps with a bit counseling (reply: 10)
1598. How to compare different expression levels between genes - (reply: 1)
1599. DNA contamination after RNA extraction, which kit works best? - (reply: 6)
1600. primer-blast from ncbi - (reply: 3)
1601. Page or HPLC primers - What is the difference (reply: 2)
1602. Standard curves for PCR efficiency. - (reply: 2)
1603. Increasing the number of products your PCR produces - Degenerative primers for multiple copy gene (reply: 3)
1604. Looking for help with my PCR! - (reply: 3)
1605. HKG validation - interplate normalisation (reply: 2)
1606. PCR without thermal cycler? - (reply: 9)
1607. primer contamination - primer contaminated with ice (reply: 3)
1608. Blue Juice - I think I need to redo... (reply: 3)
1609. Loss of volume in PCR reaction in 96 well plate - (reply: 7)
1610. RT-PCR problem - (reply: 4)
1611. home made sybr green mix for qpcr - (reply: 2)
1612. reference genes for qPCR - (reply: 3)
1613. PCR Efficiency - (reply: 2)
1614. DNA and RNA contamination in RT PCR water controls - (reply: 2)
1615. Optimal target length - (reply: 3)
1616. Fermentas SYBR Green vs. Qiagen SYBR Green - (reply: 2)
1617. Colony PCR Question - Get the band i want but mini-prep shows no plasmids! (reply: 6)
1618. Different types/Brands of BSA? - (reply: 2)
1619. NTC with specific amplification - (reply: 1)
1620. Lost a Band by changing thermocycler - (reply: 9)