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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
871. Bands in my PCR Controls - (reply: 3)
872. RTPCR - housekeeping genes: can I use them more intelligently? - (reply: 4)
873. real time qRT-PCR and low expression gene - (reply: 2)
874. In a pcr why doesnt the DNA reneal during annealing process ? - (reply: 2)
875. check points while preparing for sequencing - (reply: 10)
876. Disagreement between triplicate results in Q -PCR - (reply: 5)
877. 40 cT values any idea how to lower it? - (reply: 1)
878. Trizol and Protein extraction - (reply: 2)
879. RT-PCR-CELL NUMBER - (reply: 2)
880. Real time pcr primers JunB, Foxh1, Klf4, PRMT1, PRMT4 and PRMT5 needed! - (reply: 2)
881. RNA extraction and preparation - RTqPCR - (reply: 3)
882. Mysterious -NRT control - (reply: 4)
883. PYO pcr stopped working. - (reply: 1)
884. Bands seen with qPCR missing in regular PCR - (reply: 5)
885. PCR product one day, none the next day - (reply: 4)
886. PCR using CDNA as template - (reply: 2)
887. why cant get the band? - (reply: 4)
888. CT value too small - (reply: 1)
889. Need help amplifying repeating sequence. - (reply: 5)
890. RNA isolation from frozen cells - (reply: 2)
891. Another primer dimers problem - (reply: 23)
892. using PCR product as standard template - (reply: 3)
893. Amplification in water control but not in samples - (reply: 3)
894. PCR products form with DNA, but not with c-DNA - (reply: 2)
895. question about pcr amplification efficiency? - (reply: 1)
896. Which Cycler to buy? - Can you recommend any of these cyclers? (reply: 2)
897. a question about the annealing temperature - (reply: 6)
898. what's the function of ROX reference dye? - (reply: 2)
899. Gene Expression Issues - (reply: 3)
900. clear bands on agarose gel but problems in melting curve after qPCR - (reply: 2)