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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1291. use of housekeeping gene in RT PCR chIP - (reply: 3)
1292. what is the order you follow in the run ??? - in order to make the contamination risk the least (reply: 3)
1293. DNA pooling for PCR - Saving money PCR (reply: 7)
1294. Real Time PCR Standard curves - How many are required??? (reply: 1)
1295. pcr-rflp - (reply: 2)
1296. PCR need some help - (reply: 4)
1297. problems when use qPCR to quantify bisulfite modified DNA - (reply: 4)
1298. Left polymerase out overnight - Will it still work? (reply: 1)
1299. very low expression of a sample vs standard curve efficiency - (reply: 1)
1300. Primer Reconstitution--does temperature matter? - (reply: 5)
1301. TaqMan Gene Expression Assays - Low expression/ Ct values (reply: 2)
1302. Gradient PCR works, but single temperature does not! HELP!! - (reply: 5)
1303. Oligonucleotide degradation - (reply: 1)
1304. Primer efficiency - How to determine primer efficiency correctly? (reply: 4)
1305. never get bands by pfu related enzymes - (reply: 2)
1306. Primer design for qPCR - (reply: 1)
1307. Primer-BLAST... - (reply: 4)
1308. reporting results of qPCR - (reply: 1)
1309. a question about 16s rRNA as reference in RT-qPCR - (reply: 1)
1310. PCR genomic DNA of high GC content - (reply: 6)
1311. question about qRT-PCR preparation - (reply: 1)
1312. GAPDH primer design and efficiency problems (new to rt-pcr) - (reply: 4)
1313. qPCR efficiency calculation - (reply: 1)
1314. qPCR on chIP product - (reply: 3)
1315. Ghost contamination in RT-PCR - Mystery that i can't solve. Help. (reply: 1)
1316. PCR--11kb fragment - (reply: 4)
1317. primer design tips - (reply: 3)
1318. GroEL from Wolbachia - GroEL from Wolbachia (reply: 2)
1319. PCR with Biotin Incorporation - (reply: 2)
1320. Anyone uses plasmid to make standard curves? how to make adjustment b/w plates - real time (reply: 4)