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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1681. high Cp value PCR - (reply: 2)
1682. real time PCR data presentation - presentation of delta CT and copy number (reply: 2)
1683. Synthesize own Oligo-dT primers - (reply: 6)
1684. RNA extraction for qPCR: Trizol vs. column? - (reply: 5)
1685. Cell-cycle independant qRT-PCR internal control - anyone has experience doing this? (reply: 1)
1686. dNTP or Deoxynucleotide solution Mix - (reply: 1)
1687. Smearing/ no amplification in PCR - (reply: 3)
1688. qRTPCR (TaqMan) Data Representation - (reply: 1)
1689. mRNA versus protein expression. Why inverse correlation? - (reply: 3)
1690. Lucicferase activity and endogenous transcription - (reply: 7)
1691. need help on primer calcuation soon - (reply: 1)
1692. Heart ache in real time - (reply: 1)
1693. HEX vs. Cy-5 - (reply: 3)
1694. Direct PCR (PCR without DNA extraction) - (reply: 2)
1695. PCR using xt5 - (reply: 2)
1696. long range PCR - purification of pcr frogament 9-13kb (reply: 9)
1697. Problems with qRT-PCR - Lots of unspecific products (reply: 2)
1698. Help! How to get rid of a repeatedly appearing smear in my RT-PCR result! - (reply: 2)
1699. 2 bands or smear? 2-step RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
1700. 23S rRNA Primer - need primer sequence (reply: 1)
1701. Lowered extension temps with Phusion - (reply: 7)
1702. RT-PCR - problems with TaqMan PCR (reply: 2)
1703. qRT-PCR calculations - Averaging across biological replicates (reply: 2)
1704. Two annealing temps? - (reply: 4)
1705. Multiplex PCR - Multiplex PCR and gel electrophoresis (reply: 1)
1706. Homogenizing animal tissue to RT-PCR in real-time - (reply: 2)
1707. Small product amplification problems - (reply: 4)
1708. ROX and Rotorgene - using a mix with reference dye in Rotorgene (reply: 2)
1709. Freezing primers+SYBR green - (reply: 2)
1710. Tagged Primers - (reply: 5)