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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
241. website for primer design - (reply: 1)
242. PCR Efficiency over 150%! - (reply: 1)
243. problem of amplification - (reply: 2)
244. Rxn not working - amplify/linearize plasmid - (reply: 3)
245. qRT-PCR works one day, and not the next - (reply: 1)
246. PCR not working - (reply: 11)
247. an urgent problem with replicates - (reply: 10)
248. Site-directed mutagenesis: maximum substitution - (reply: 1)
249. Inter run calibration qRT-PCR - (reply: 2)
250. Primer design and alternative transcripts - (reply: 2)
251. qPCR amplification - (reply: 4)
252. Extremely desperate noob question: How do these PCR work? - (reply: 6)
253. RT-PCR carry over contamination and dUTP/UDG - (reply: 4)
254. problems regarding amplifying a 1.7 kb mRNA seq - (reply: 3)
255. RT-PCR - High Ct Values and Laser Capture - (reply: 1)
256. PCR with no bands showing in 1.1 % gel electrophoresis - (reply: 4)
257. Genomic DNA Isolation from Soft Agar Colonies - (reply: 3)
258. help with total RNA isolation - (reply: 1)
259. Need help to identify bands in AGE result - (reply: 3)
260. COLD-PCR (Dissociation Curve) via qPCR - (reply: 4)
261. how to hasten real-time PCR amplifications - (reply: 2)
262. Please please help me with my Phusion PCR. - (reply: 5)
263. Nanodrop vs Picogreen to quantify post-PCR product - (reply: 3)
264. Need no RT control for all genes? - (reply: 1)
265. Different annealing temp between HKG and target gene - (reply: 2)
266. Multiple melt curves for primer in a sample that does not express gene - (reply: 6)
267. help in long pcr - (reply: 1)
268. Reselling a supermix/enzyme in a commercial diagnostic kit - (reply: 2)
269. Small yield of RNA after on column DNAs digestion , Why - (reply: 3)
270. PCR inhibitor in template DNA - (reply: 3)