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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1021. minimum replicate for qpcr? - (reply: 15)
1022. Primer design - (reply: 2)
1023. Troubleshoot PCR, Product band missing, internal control is present - (reply: 1)
1024. qPCR amplification interference fixed with freezing - (reply: 6)
1025. Suggest me a mastermix for conventinal PCR... - (reply: 11)
1026. reaction efficiency - (reply: 4)
1027. software for quantifing PCR product band - (reply: 1)
1028. Thermal cycler - (reply: 2)
1029. Sybr Green Real Time PCR - Melt curve - Any problem on the melt curve? (reply: 3)
1030. qPCR volume - Problem with volume difference and results (reply: 1)
1031. RT-PCR - (reply: 9)
1032. Best way to mix qPCR master mix and high ct deviation questions - (reply: 3)
1033. help with negative strand specific primer design needed - Primers for Sindbis virus (-) strand (reply: 4)
1034. cDNA synthesis - (reply: 6)
1035. Will I need interplate calibration for my RT-PCR experiment? - (reply: 3)
1036. Primer seq - (reply: 2)
1037. Selection of housekeeping gene in Mycobacterium - (reply: 1)
1038. Do I need to pool the base line samples together - (reply: 2)
1039. PCR product size - (reply: 6)
1040. amplification plot raises to early - What is the explanation for this problem? (reply: 1)
1041. Few basic questions about RNA - (reply: 3)
1042. oligo dt and random primer - (reply: 3)
1043. Ct's of goi higher and lower than ct's hkg - (reply: 1)
1044. Effect of collagenase on qpcr results - (reply: 1)
1045. RNA Isolation - (reply: 3)
1046. mRNA Search for RT-PCR (U to T) - (reply: 2)
1047. First-strand cDNA synthesis from paraffin embedded RNA - Using of gene-specific primers (reply: 1)
1048. PCR triplicates versus one reaction - differences? (reply: 17)
1049. cloning of race products - (reply: 1)
1050. Single or double-stranded cDNA? - (reply: 2)