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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1201. Degenerate primers PCR problem, Please help! - (reply: 2)
1202. degenerated Taqman probes? - (reply: 1)
1203. error message on qPCR mashine - (reply: 1)
1204. Hotstart PCR and unspecific Amplification - (reply: 3)
1205. Primer design help needed - (reply: 1)
1206. Primers no longer work - (reply: 1)
1207. Sequencing - why are left-over PCR primers an issue? - (reply: 3)
1208. Primer Design with Primer-Blast - My experience has been worse than just using Primer3 and BLAT separate (reply: 4)
1209. colony PCR - (reply: 2)
1210. copy number variation - (reply: 3)
1211. How to deal with truncated mRNA or mRNA that has secondary structure - (reply: 2)
1212. Very weird gel - I cannot explain these results (reply: 11)
1213. well position effects (edge and corner) effects in qPCR - using Bio-Rad iCycler iQ (reply: 2)
1214. Cytosolic Housekeeping gene - (reply: 1)
1215. PCR reaction without template gives a product - (reply: 6)
1216. PCR wrong product size - (reply: 6)
1217. PCR very faint product - (reply: 1)
1218. proteinase k inhibition/inactivation - method... (reply: 2)
1219. What does melting temperature indicate and how to predict annealing temperature - (reply: 9)
1220. 4 question for real time PCR - (reply: 5)
1221. RNA quality - (reply: 3)
1222. Superscript III - No second strand synthesis? - (reply: 1)
1223. cDNA convertion to DNA - (reply: 4)
1224. PCR didn't work - suspect the enzyme (reply: 2)
1225. How to check RNA quality - (reply: 5)
1226. Colony PCR Specificity - (reply: 2)
1227. Determine exon and intron for primer design - How to determine exon and intron for qRT-PCR primer design (reply: 2)
1228. Reverse Transcriptase @ Room temperature for 48 hours - (reply: 10)
1229. qRT-PCR for plant gene expression - qRT-PCR for plant gene expression (reply: 5)
1230. Primer Dilution Problem - D'oh! (reply: 2)