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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1051. Comparing SYBR and probe-based Ct values - Is it valid? (reply: 2)
1052. qPCR inhibition - (reply: 1)
1053. what reference gene will you use to compare neuroblastoma, glioblastoma? - (reply: 1)
1054. Comparing Gene Expression of Different Genes Using Semi-Quantitative PCR - (reply: 2)
1055. Do low binding 0.2ml PCR tubes exist? - (reply: 3)
1056. Primers and self and hetero dimers - (reply: 1)
1057. Really weird amplification curves - (reply: 1)
1058. Primers for qPCR - (reply: 3)
1059. copy number calculation from cDNA - (reply: 1)
1060. Placing dNTP in 64 C waterbath - Would this ruin the solution? (reply: 3)
1061. RT-PCR primer - (reply: 3)
1062. CT value>25 with GAPDH in 50-fold dilution! - (reply: 3)
1063. PCR problem - basic PCR for plasmid amplification (reply: 2)
1064. can RNA amplify in two-step qPCR? - (reply: 2)
1065. Weird bands in standard PCR of gDNA and cDNA - (reply: 2)
1066. Nested LA PCR - Any success? (reply: 3)
1067. Unpredictablity of PCR product - (reply: 5)
1068. total cDNA amplification by PCR - (reply: 2)
1069. Detection limit of a conventional PCR - (reply: 2)
1070. Dissolved Primer pellet in pure ethanol instead of water - (reply: 2)
1071. RNAi showing upregulation via QPCR - Help needed (reply: 3)
1072. DNA detection limit of the PCR - Calculating detection limits (reply: 4)
1073. cDNA synthesis - (reply: 3)
1074. 2 rounds PCR got problem - (reply: 2)
1075. PCR help minus strand - Primer design (reply: 1)
1076. cDNA contamination, pls help! - (reply: 1)
1077. Smear in long distance PCR - (reply: 39)
1078. TP-PCR or three primer PCR - TP-PCR or three primer PCR (reply: 9)
1079. Help - I m trying to get amplification for a new gene with new set of primers (reply: 2)
1080. can contaminating gDNA explain this? - (reply: 1)