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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1831. early ct value in ntc - (reply: 2)
1832. PCR without DNA extraction! - (reply: 2)
1833. Primer tm - (reply: 1)
1834. TaqMan real time PCR using abi 7700 system-troubleshooting - (reply: 5)
1835. RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
1836. Long product amplification (1598bp) - PCR for a product of 1598bp length (reply: 3)
1837. PCR problems on a ligation product - (reply: 5)
1838. Primer dimers - shouldn't they also occur in the NTC? (reply: 5)
1839. Contamination in negative control of AFLPs (PCRs) - (reply: 1)
1840. Ct fluctuations in qPCR - (reply: 3)
1841. qPCR efficiency - how to improve (reply: 4)
1842. primer dimers - (reply: 5)
1843. are my RT-primers ruined? accidentally stored at 4 C - (reply: 1)
1844. acceptable range for ΔCt ? - (reply: 1)
1845. RT-PCR vs. conventional PCR - (reply: 1)
1846. qPCR primer design - (reply: 5)
1847. Re-PCR problem - (reply: 3)
1848. PCR and gel purification problem - did I screw this up (reply: 4)
1849. touchdown pcr - (reply: 6)
1850. non specific pcr products - (reply: 4)
1851. RT-PCR primer design - Intron/exon boundaries - (reply: 6)
1852. template concentration qPCR - (reply: 1)
1853. Anyone with experiences in 2 step PCR - (reply: 1)
1854. qRT-PCR Problems - (reply: 1)
1855. PCR works on lab strain but not patient sample - HIV related (reply: 4)
1856. confirming concentration for primers in rt-pcr - RT-PCR, Primers (reply: 2)
1857. Genomic DNA copy number qPCR - Help with control (reply: 8)
1858. Nucleic acid staining and PCR - Query onthe effect of nucleic acid stains on PCR (reply: 1)
1859. re-amplification of a PCR product - is it recommended? (reply: 7)
1860. PCR machine with accurate temperature control? - (reply: 1)