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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1141. 96 well plate plan that converts into a list automatically - (reply: 2)
1142. Reason for odd PCR conditions - (reply: 3)
1143. pcr - problem in pcr (reply: 2)
1144. Primers for PCR - Forward and Reverse Primer Sequences (reply: 4)
1145. How to present and analyze these real-time PCR data? - (reply: 2)
1146. Deoxyribosenucleoside vs. Deoxyribosenucleotide - What does dNTP stand for? (reply: 2)
1147. RT-PCR: DNA contamination, one vs two step - RNA work (reply: 11)
1148. delta-delta-Ct method - what to do, when no expression in healthy control? (reply: 1)
1149. Trouble with annealing temperature - Trouble with annealing temperature (reply: 3)
1150. PCR Master mix - (reply: 2)
1151. Real Time PCR Primers and Probes - (reply: 2)
1152. Loss of bands at higher Tm in presence of DMSO... - Attempt to optimise DMSO methylation-spec PCR (reply: 4)
1153. Dead genotyping PCR - I can't see s*** (reply: 5)
1154. Any one has light cycler 480 system operator's mannual? - Urgent!!!!!!!!!!!! (reply: 3)
1155. PCR product wrong size! Need help! - (reply: 9)
1156. pooling different pcr cycles? - (reply: 1)
1157. Amplification of concatenated linear ligated fragments - (reply: 4)
1158. Clinical Real-time PCR assay - (reply: 1)
1159. Alternative software to read .sds files? - (reply: 2)
1160. primer and promoter sequences - (reply: 1)
1161. Standard curve for real-time PCR - (reply: 2)
1162. delta Ct values - (reply: 1)
1163. Primer Tm differences/ PCR - (reply: 1)
1164. Interpretation of Ct values - (reply: 2)
1165. Primer design to screen silenced lines - Primer design tips to screen silenced lines (reply: 3)
1166. Question about RT... - (reply: 1)
1167. d2EGFP Primers for Genotyping - ...where to get the sequence? (reply: 5)
1168. PCR Primer Dilution from F+R - (reply: 1)
1169. Plasmid standard problem - (reply: 2)
1170. primer reconstitution - primer reconstitution (reply: 4)