Methylight Results Analysis - (Aug/06/2013 )
Hi, I'm doing the methylation analysis of two genes, using ACTB as a normalizer, and a 100% methylated DNA as positive control, I have made the bisulfite convertion, and a standard curve with the positive control, I run my DNA samples (previously bisulfite modified) and now, I don't know how to analyse the results. I know that I have to calculate a ratio between the quantitiy of methylated DNA of my target gene and beta actine gene, but, how I do it?, I use logarithmic data?, or I just do it and them I apply log?, because the majority of the figures of methylation the use type of samples (X) vs log of methylation ratio, anyone know?, please help me.
Hi, I'm doing the methylation analysis of two genes, using ACTB as a normalizer, and a 100% methylated DNA as positive control, I have made the bisulfite convertion, and a standard curve with the positive control, I run my DNA samples (previously bisulfite modified) and now, I don't know how to analyse the results. I know that I have to calculate a ratio between the quantitiy of methylated DNA of my target gene and beta actine gene, but, how I do it?, I use logarithmic data?, or I just do it and them I apply log?, because the majority of the figures of methylation the use type of samples (X) vs log of methylation ratio, anyone know?, please help me.