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The purpose of sonication in this experiment? - experiment on coating silver particles on slides (Jan/12/2007 )

Hi all,

I am trying a new protocol, something about coating the silver particles on microscope slides. The final step is " sonicate the silver-coated slides in bath sonication for 1 min at room temperature"

I am kinda confused here of what is the purpose of doing that. I dont have a sonicator in my lab, and is hestitating of whether to get one.

As far as i know, sonication is to use high frequency sound wave for dissolving, fixing and lysis purpose but in this case, i am confused.

Comments and suggestions are most welcome

Thanks in advance!



here the aim is to avoid to have aggregates of silver particles.
it's to homogenize the solution


QUOTE (wllmch @ Jan 12 2007, 10:21 AM)
Hi all,

I am trying a new protocol, something about coating the silver particles on microscope slides. The final step is " sonicate the silver-coated slides in bath sonication for 1 min at room temperature"

I am kinda confused here of what is the purpose of doing that. I dont have a sonicator in my lab, and is hestitating of whether to get one.

As far as i know, sonication is to use high frequency sound wave for dissolving, fixing and lysis purpose but in this case, i am confused.

Comments and suggestions are most welcome

Thanks in advance!


the bath sonicator was designed for use as a cleaning device (eg. to clean jewelry). this step is most likely being used to clean excess silver from the slide.
