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RNA quality - (Oct/05/2010 )

I have some problems with my folmaldehyde gels which I run to assess RNA quality. I can see two distinct bands for 28S and 18S. However I can also see third faded band above the 28S one. Is my RNa degraded? I was wondering if someone else had this issue. Any suggestions, comments will be apreciated.


Do you have a picture?
If your band is above the 28S I assume it's bigger. It could be DNA contamination, RNA degradation would produce smaller fragments and visible decrase of 28S in comparison with 18S.


Not sure how to attach files.can I send it to you by email? What would DNA contamination do to my RT-PCR results.
Thank you.


Trof on Wed Oct 6 16:10:05 2010 said:

Do you have a picture?
If your band is above the 28S I assume it's bigger. It could be DNA contamination, RNA degradation would produce smaller fragments and visible decrase of 28S in comparison with 18S.

Attached Image
