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Small yield of RNA after on column DNAs digestion , Why - (Feb/21/2014 )

Dear All, 


I extracted RNA from duck tissue and it was really high quantity 2000 ng/µl  by nanodrop. After that I repeated the extraction with on coulmn DNAse digestion and the quantity dramatically dropped down to 120 ng/µl 


What is cause, is the Nanodrop measure the RNA and the DNA together ? 

-Mohamed 1984-

Yes, it fails to distinguish them (except for the difference in A280/A260 which is minor, and can't be trusted). You may have introduced RNAses in your DNAse treatment.


May be, but if we assume a nice condition, is this is normal that your RNA quantity reduced after DNAse digestion?

-Mohamed 1984-

No. But you can lose RNA in the cleanup afterwards.
