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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : SDS-PAGE-and-Western-Blotting
571. Antibody vs Antigen concentration effect - (reply: 3)
572. Heavy Post-translational modifications - Multiple bands on gel (reply: 2)
573. SDS PAGE smearing of bands - (reply: 2)
574. Fuzzy bands in western blot - (reply: 2)
575. I am desperated with my WB!! - (reply: 2)
576. storing SDS-PAGE gels for W.Blot - (reply: 7)
577. trouble detecting phospho-proteins - (reply: 2)
579. BSA + DTT versus -DTT - (reply: 1)
580. WB - Transferring REALLY big proteins - (reply: 2)
581. Over-stripping blot? - (reply: 5)
582. Oscillation on my Western Blot results - (reply: 3)
583. HELP!!! Non-specific binding on my membrane - (reply: 7)
584. Incubating Western in primary for longer than 24 hours at 4C? - (reply: 3)
585. Many unspecific bands after using anti-His on Western blot - (reply: 4)
586. Need help with pre run of PAGE. - (reply: 1)
587. KO mice show band for knocked-out protein - (reply: 1)
588. SDS-PAGE gel wont separate small proteins - (reply: 5)
589. SDS Acrylamide Gel Equipement - Need to purchase best and cheapest new equipment (reply: 3)
590. can't get bands in Western Blot - (reply: 5)
591. Protein Aggregation, Sample Boiling, help! - Western Blotting (reply: 4)
592. Help! Half membrane exposed perfectly. Half membrane is cloudy - (reply: 2)
593. Converging lanes in Western - (reply: 8)
594. Incomplete transfer - (reply: 7)
595. Anyone has run a PAGE with reducing agents in-gel?? - (reply: 3)
596. Non reducing protein ladder? - (reply: 5)
597. When to wash and how many times? - (reply: 4)
598. SDS-PAGE: Effect of Acrylamide concentration - Is it different for high and low MW proteins (reply: 2)
599. no detection of proteins at 25KDa - (reply: 4)
600. Tissue vs cell line lysate - Improve sample quality? - (reply: 4)

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