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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : SDS-PAGE-and-Western-Blotting
751. Western blot: problem with protein migration - trouble shooting......... please help! (reply: 10)
752. Help!! Uneven actin expression . - Thick and thin actin expression. (reply: 1)
754. Lost protein from blot? - (reply: 1)
755. Horns like appearance on SDS-PAGE Silver stained Gel - (reply: 7)
756. No SDS in gels - (reply: 12)
757. Protein extraction buffer compatible with 2D PAGE - (reply: 4)
758. Protein Extraction from Tissue/ Lysate storage - Several questions regarding lysis buffer usage and storage options (reply: 4)
759. Sample loading buffer turning yellow. - (reply: 3)
760. western bands look funny - (reply: 5)
761. IgG SDS-PAGE - (reply: 1)
762. Processing cell samples for low abundance proteins - direct lysis with SDS-PAGE loading buffer (reply: 2)
763. wet or semi-dry transfer for low MW proteins - (reply: 4)
764. is it ok to use EtOH or MeOH instead of Butanol? - for sds-page, ran out of butaol (reply: 3)
765. quantifying "ghost" bands - (reply: 1)
766. Ponceau Bands, Marker transfer, but no bands? - Ponceau positive, the marker transfers, no bands? (reply: 2)
767. Western blot running and loading samples - (reply: 6)
768. problems with His tagged protein western blots - (reply: 3)
769. Springerlink--Zymography - (reply: 3)
770. Methanol vs Isopropanol in fixing solution - (reply: 1)
771. Protein aggregates SDS-PAGE - (reply: 5)
772. probably DNA is disturbing the quantification of my sample - (reply: 3)
773. check of amount of proteins on filter after rouge ponceau| - (reply: 1)
774. Optimising antibody concentration - hints and tips (reply: 1)
775. Lanes all run together - (reply: 5)
776. Protein Markers - (reply: 1)
777. Gel Running Crooked?? Please help.. - (reply: 7)
778. Which side of the membrane should face up during incubation steps? - Does it matter? (reply: 4)
779. Strength of actin signal - How dark should the band be? (reply: 5)
780. Immunoprecipitation - (reply: 2)

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