Movies - Recommended (Nov/08/2009 )
LostintheLab on Mar 11 2010, 01:05 AM said:
toejam on Mar 11 2010, 02:46 AM said:
Yes, terrible and the proding of the cells awful and what signal transduction was she talking about, pffffftttt! if she has a PhD then I"m an 8 ft tall blue alien
Though lets face it there aren't many accurate scientist representations on celluloid.
Princess Bride- its bloody brilliant, very satirical.Its "inconceivable" that you haven't watched it!
Enchanted was ok, I like the cleaning song with the rats and cockroaches
what about Stardust ?- it wasn't well liked, but I really enjoyed it, hints of Princess Bride and filmed in Scotland (so extra marks for that) 7.5/10
I have never seen the usual suspects, because someone told me the plot twist and story before I had chance to watch it for myself.
makes you realise that not even in hollywood movies there is enough funding for proper science, they should have hired someone who knew what they were talking about... or alternatively go to the "general techniques" subforum
Review of the weekend!
ONCE: Very nice romantic film set in beautiful Dublin. Very good music too. 3/5 stars
BROTHERS: It was ok (with a gorgeous Natalie Portman!). 2.5/5
LA CONFIDENTIAL: Russel Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Kim Basinger and Guy Pearce, Always good! 3.5/5 stars
EVIL DEAD 2: I have a soft spot for Bruce Campbell with a chainsaw instead of hand! 3/5 stars
THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG: It is a classic disney tale. It was ok 2.5/5 stars
UN PROPHETE: A good french film. 3.5/5 stars
Well, Thatīs all folks!!
(Iīm gonna start to watch "Misfits". Any comment?)
Hi Sir LyQ...finally got to watch The Princess Bride this weekend and I actually liked it- its goofiness mostly and I also realised that I've seen bits and pieces of it thru the years and never knew the film's title...bad casandra, bad casandra......
I also watched The Proposal and I actually laughed a lot (oh yeah, shoot me now) ..also because of Ryan Reynolds who's a real nice canuck btw...and Sandra Bullock was not that bad either....movieplot and storyline, a bit corny, character dev't.....ppfftt...but it has funny moments and I shed a few tears too....
casandra on Mar 15 2010, 05:12 AM said:
I also watched The Proposal and I actually laughed a lot (oh yeah, shoot me now)
The proposal?? kill me now! Movieplot and storyline...It aint no movie plot maīam
Ryan Reinolds (thats true, he looks good) sometimes is ok. I like him in Adventureland (one of my movies from 2009). Check it out seņorita, it is a well made, and a nice and funny movie.
Iīm glad that you enjoyed "The princess bride"...Hello. My name is Iņigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!!
laurequillo on Mar 15 2010, 12:53 AM said:
Margaret Tate: Didn't think so. I have work to do. or....."As you wish."
Well, my review of the week!
I watched the first season of "Misfits". It is a good and funny british tv show! (my god, whatīs with the accent?? )
"Shutter Island": I have to re-wacht it but I really liked the first and the last part of the movie. 3-3.5/5 stars
"Alice in wonderland":The new Tim Burtonīs movie. It is a pity but I did not like so much the movie. 2/5 stars
"Mother": A korean film. Really good! I enjoyed it big time!. 4/5 stars
By the way, I am so tired of "Lost"....
It's complicated: 8.9/10
Once you watch it, you will laugh your "tummy" off....
Just before I watch this movie with my girl friend, we had a quarrel. But in between the show, we were hugging each other and laughing together...
adrian kohsf on Apr 1 2010, 02:05 AM said:
Once you watch it, you will laugh your "tummy" off....
Just before I watch this movie with my girl friend, we had a quarrel. But in between the show, we were hugging each other and laughing together...
how long before we watch this movie should we have a quarrel? At home, on the way, or after getting the tickets?
Tom and Jerry (all of them)
I won't give it any stars. . . it gets the moon.
taken 6.5/10
not sure if liam neeson was best suited for the role though!!
Prep! on May 6 2010, 09:57 AM said:
not sure if liam neeson was best suited for the role though!!
yo PI, i agree, liam neeson is not the kind of guy for action films...
I quote:
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."