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Movies - Recommended (Nov/08/2009 )

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"let the right one in" - very nice film about a vampire kid, bullying and love. nothing to do with moonshine and that €R@P
9 / 10


I watched it too, a nice Swedish movie....but only 7.5/10


"year one" jack black. two cavemen getting lucky, you can imagine the rest. considering it tries to be a comedy it'd give 6/10

"seven pounds" will smith. a frustrated tax man who tries to give meaning to his life. too dramatic imo. if you're into the "make me cry a lot" kind of movies this is for you! 7.5/10


8th Wonderland....7.9/10 (with a bonus for low-budget and a nice idea, though there are many flaws)


adrian kohsf on Jan 18 2010, 11:09 AM said:

The Spy Next Door: 3/10

This is the most "un-Jacky Chan" movie I ever watch... fighting were noobs, fake and less action scene...
Nothing like the Rush hour 1 and 2... his Hong Kong old movie is even better.

Agree. Grew up with Jacky Chan's movie, and had enough of his clown-like act.
Old HK movies are better. Nowadays I won't pay money to watch those craps.


did anyone here mention this one"

" Memories of a Geisha "
i didn't see it, but read much about it! the secret beautiful/painful life of Japanese Geisha !



hi strawberry,

i know that movie is very good, however i couldn't manage to watch it. i tried watching it 3 different times and i always fell asleep <_<

just watched "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy". it was barely ok. thing is, i think it tries to be so imaginative and creative that it turns into complete randomness and chaos imo. 6/10



U r feeling generous or what? <_<


haha, i'm always generous bb-san ;)


for the hitchhikers guide film I'd give a 5/10....was really a disappointment....

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